Using work lists

SECURITY All users.
If you have a ticket in your work list that you don’t have permission to view, the ticket will still show in your work list like any other ticket, and you will be able to enter time on it by using the stopwatch in the work list. However, you will see an Access Denied message if you try to open the Ticket page.
NAVIGATION Anywhere > Work List tabs
The ticket and task work lists allow you to quickly and easily set aside up to 25 tickets and 25 tasks that you're working on. Each ticket or task in the work list may be equipped with a stopwatch you'll use to track the time you've spent on it. You can stop or pause the stopwatch.
NOTE The stopwatch is only available if a task or ticket's associated category has the stopwatch check box enabled: Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Service Desk (Tickets) > Ticket Categories, or Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Projects & Tasks > Task Categories > Edit Category > General Tab > Other Options > Enable Stopwatch.
You can access the work lists from anywhere in Autotask:
If several tickets or tasks have been assigned to you and you'll be working on all of them throughout the day, add them to the work list so you can quickly switch between them.
You can also place tickets and tasks on other people's work lists if they're the primary resource, either to remind them of their assignments for the day, or to keep an eye on progress towards completion.
Tickets and tasks can also be added to the primary resource's work list by a workflow rule. If there isn't any room left on a resource's work list when a workflow rule tries to add it, the resource is notified via email. Refer to Adding, editing, and copying workflow rules.
NOTE If you want to see which tickets and tasks have been added to your work list by other people or by a workflow rule, choose the “Added by” field in your work list settings.
How to...

- To expand a work list, click one of the tabs on the right side of any Autotask page.
NOTE When the work lists are collapsed and there are tickets and tasks on them, badges will indicate the total number of tasks or tickets on each work list. The blue box in the work list title bar displays the number of tickets/tasks other people (and/or workflow rules) have placed on the lists.
- To collapse the expanded work list, click the arrow on the active tab.

- On the Ticket / Task page, click this button in the upper left corner of the page:
- On the Ticket Search page, hover over the context menu and select Add To My Work List.
- On ticket tables with selection check boxes, select the tickets you want to add, then from the check box column header, select Add Selected Tickets to My Work List
- On the task widget drill-down tables and on the project schedule, hover over the context menu and select Add to My Work List, or select the check boxes for more than one task from the same project, then open the bulk menu and select Add to My Work List.
- On the search results list for the Autotask Main Search by task number, hover over the context menu and select Add to My Work List; or, select check boxes for one or more tasks from the same project and then open the bulk menu and select Add to My Work List.

- On any ticket table (Ticket Search, My Tasks and Tickets, etc.) page, hover over the context menu, and select Add To Primary Resource's Work List or Add to Other Resources' Work List.
- On the Forward/Modify Ticket page, select Add to Primary Resource's Work List. Refer to Forwarding and modifying tickets.
- On any task table (Task Widget drill-down tables, the project schedule page, My Tasks and Tickets, etc.), hover over the context menu, and select Add To Primary Resource's Work List or Add to Other Resources' Work List.
- On the Forward/Modify Task page, select Add to Work List of Primary Resource selected above. Refer to Forward and Modify Tasks.
You can create a workflow rule that fires when a ticket is added to a work list and notifies the work list owner.
NOTE Tickets and tasks added by another resource or by a workflow rule show "Added by workflow rule" or "Added by <Resource Name>", and the work list title bars show the total number of these items in a blue box.

- Click the X in the upper right corner of the item.
- To remove all tickets or tasks from the work list, click Remove All from the settings menu.
NOTE When you manually set the status of a ticket or task in your work list to Complete, it is automatically removed from your work list. If it is on another user's work list, it will not be removed from their work list. Tickets and tasks are not removed from any work list when the status is set to Complete via workflow rule.

- Use the textured bar on the left side of the ticket or task to drag and drop it to its new location.
- If you have a lot of items on your list and want to move a ticket or task above or below the display area, drag the item to the top or bottom of the list and hold it there; the list will scroll and you can drop it wherever you like.
- On the Ticket page, click the Move to Top of Work List and Update Stopwatch button.
NOTE This option "resends" the ticket to your work list. When it does this, it updates the work list stopwatch setting with the ticket detail stopwatch setting.

NOTE The stopwatch is disabled on complete tickets or tasks if the Service Desk or Projects system setting Prohibit time entry on tickets (or tasks) whose status is Complete (Admin > System Settings) is turned on. Refer to Service Desk system settings or Projects system settings.
- Click the Play button to start the stopwatch. The play button will turn into a Pause button.
- Click the Pause button to temporarily stop the stopwatch.
- Click the Clear button to stop the stopwatch and reset it to 00:00:00.
IMPORTANT When you click Clear, any time recorded on the stopwatch will be erased.
- Click the Record button to open a time entry window for the ticket or task.
On the time entry page, the stop watch continues to run until paused or until the time entry is saved.
NOTE The stopwatches on all task and ticket windows launched directly from the work list will stay in sync with the work list. Stopwatches on pages launched from other task or ticket lists will NOT stay in sync with the work list.
- To stop all stopwatches and reset to 00:00:00, click Reset Stopwatches from the settings menu.

- Click anywhere on the item that is not the stopwatch or buttons to open the Ticket page or Task page in the main Autotask workspace.
NOTE You cannot "close" a ticket in the main work space (Save & Close is disabled). You must replace it with another page, for example, another ticket, a dashboard, or a search page.

NOTE Work list content refreshes every 30 seconds, unless the list is idle for more than 30 seconds. To resume refresh, click anywhere on the main Autotask workspace.
- To manually update the list, click the refresh symbol at the top of the work list.

- Click the
at the top of the work list. This will open the Ticket Work List Settings window:
- Move items to and from the Available Data and Selected Data lists by using the left/right arrows or by double-clicking the item. Information in the Selected Data list will appear on the ticket in the work list.
- Re-order items in the Selected Data list using the up/down arrows.
- Select the Keep stopwatch running when sending a ticket (task) to my Work List (when not checked, the stopwatch will be paused) check box to always retain any ticket stopwatch time that has accrued on the Ticket or Task page when you send the ticket or task to your work list.
Clear the check box to pause the work list stopwatch when the ticket or task is sent to the Work List (if it was running on the Ticket or Task page when added to the work list).
- Select Automatically start (or un-pause) stopwatch when a ticket or time entry is opened from my Work List to restart the stopwatch when an idle or paused ticket is opened from the work list, or a time entry is opened from the ticket detail.
Select Automatically start (or un-pause) stopwatch when a task is opened from my Work List to restart the stopwatch when an idle or paused task is opened from the work list.
This setting will restart the stopwatch again after you complete a time entry.