Processing invoices

NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Contracts > Invoices & Adjustments > Invoicing / Items to Invoice > Process Invoices
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Contracts > Invoices & Adjustments > Invoicing / Items to Invoice > Preview Invoices > Process All
On the Process Selected Invoices dialog box, you can preview the invoices you selected on the Invoicing / Items to Invoice page, change the processing options and settings for the entire batch and, if only one organization row is selected, override invoice template settings.
How to...

To preview all selected invoices using the currently selected settings, click Preview Invoice(s). Refer to Viewing invoices.

If only one organization row was selected for invoice processing, you can override the selected template's settings. This lets you include items on the invoice(s) that would normally be omitted, and defer items that are normally displayed. Refer to Choosing billing items.

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Review the settings in the Process Selected Invoices dialog box and make changes as required.
Field | Description |
Processing Options |
After creating Autotask invoices... |
This field appears on the Process Selected Invoices dialog box. It has the following options:
Invoice Template |
This field appears on pages where the invoice template can be selected. An invoice template allows you to define the layout and style elements, data fields, and grouping and sorting options on your invoices. Refer to The Invoice settings tab and page. Select an active invoice template for processing this batch of invoices, or a default invoice template for an organization or a country. The selection you make here will override any setting at the system, country, or organization level. |
Email invoices to organizations with Invoice Emailing enabled |
This check box appears on the Process Selected Invoices dialog box. When selected, invoices for customers with Invoice Emailing enabled will be attached to an email and immediately sent to the customer. Invoice Emailing is enabled on the Invoice Settings view of the Organization page. Refer to Invoice Emailing. |
Email Message |
This field appears on pages where an email message template can be selected. The email message template determines the body of the email the quote or invoice will be attached or linked to. The default setting is Use Default Organization Email Message Template. Refer to The Invoice settings tab and page and The Quote Settings tab and page. You may select any active email message template. The selection you make here will override any setting at the system, country, or organization level. |
Invoice Settings |
Invoice Date |
This field appears on pages that are part of the invoicing process. It is the date the charge was invoiced. On the Process Selected Invoices dialog box, it defaults to the current date, but you can click the calendar icon and select a different date. This allows you to control the Due Date, which is calculated by adding the number of days from the Payment Terms on the invoice template to the Invoice Date. On the Invoice Batch Processing log and Invoice History pages, the Invoice Date is read-only. |
Invoice Number |
This field appears on invoices and the Process Selected Invoices page. Field values are determined by the system setting Next invoice number (leave blank to disable automatic numbering). If the system setting is not enabled, the field is blank and invoice numbers are not created.
Invoice Date Range From, Invoice Date Range To |
This pair of fields appears on the Process Selected Invoices dialog box. These dates refer to the earliest and latest item dates that will be included in the invoice. They default to the item dates you selected on the Invoicing / Items to Invoice page. The fields are displayed on invoices that use the Autotask default invoice templates. |
Purchase Order Number |
This field appears on entities that are part of the billing workflow, and is applied to labor and charges.
Refer to Working with purchase order (PO) numbers. |
Payment Terms |
When this field appears on quotes and invoices, it informs the customer when you expect to receive the payment for their order. On purchase orders, it indicates the payment terms you expect to receive from the vendor. Select a payment term. |
Tax Region |
On the New Organization page: Select the tax jurisdiction whose tax rules will apply to this organization or organization location. This field is inherited by entities that are part of the billing workflow but can be overridden on a quote or invoice. The tax region selected on the quote or invoice, together with the tax category applied to the billing items via the billing codes, determine the taxes on each billing item. Refer to Configuring your tax table. Quotes and Invoices This field defaults to the tax region associated with the organization.
Purchase Orders On purchase orders, you are the customer. The tax region should be used to calculate the tax amount that you can expect to pay for taxable items included on the purchase order. The calculated tax amount only appears on the printed purchase order (similar to Freight) and represents the tax amount you expect to be charged. The correct tax rate (the one that applies when the vendor sells something to you) is almost never applied. We recommend that you select it manually. IMPORTANT When you create a new purchase order from the Purchase Orders page or the Purchasing & Fulfillment page and select a vendor without specifying a tax region, the vendor's tax region will automatically populate if the vendor has a tax region specified. IMPORTANT If the Vendor field on a new purchase order form is not populated and you select a tax region before you select the vendor, your tax region selection will not be overwritten when you select the vendor. IMPORTANT You can always edit an automatic selection in the Tax Region field to select a tax region based on how your company determines tax jurisdiction. |
Invoice Notes and Invoice Note Options |
Notes are a way of tracking additional information associated with an Autotask entity. The Notes field appears on many Autotask entities. Refer to Using notes in Autotask. This field is often prefaced with the entity name. For example, Invoice Notes. Invoices: This field appears on the Process Selected Invoices dialog box and on the invoice. On the Invoice Note Options drop-down menu, you can choose to either add the notes to the notes on each organization's invoice template, or to override the invoice template notes. |
Additional Invoice Fields |
You can create up to 20 custom text fields (with default values) to be included as variables on your invoice templates. These fields will appear on invoices that use those templates and on the Process Selected Invoices dialog box. Refer to Additional invoice fields. On the Process Selected Invoices dialog box, you can modify the default values for the current invoicing session. Accept or modify the default values for your custom additional invoice fields. |
- Click Process Invoice(s).
The invoices are processed in an asynchronous manner. You can wait for the invoices to finish processing, or navigate away from the page.
Processed invoices can be accessed on Contracts > Invoice History and the Invoice Batch Processing Log . Refer to Managing invoices from Invoice History and Invoice Batch Processing Log.

If you have Organizational Structure enabled and set up multiple divisions, each division can have a different invoice numbering scheme. The invoice numbering sequences are controlled through the Next invoice number (leave blank to disable automatic numbering) system setting.
If billing items associated with different division > line of business pairings appear on the same invoice, the global next invoice number is used.