Completing an insourced ticket

SECURITY Ticket access
NAVIGATION Ticket page > Notify Lead Partner > Insource Complete
When the service requirements for the ticket have been completed, you can select Insource Complete from the Notify Lead Partner menu on the ticket detail. The following occurs:
- The Insource Status changes to Waiting Approval and the lead partner must approve or reject the ticket
- The ticket moves to Received Work: Waiting Approval on your Outsource dashboard
- The lead partner receives an email notification and the ticket moves to Outsourced Work: Waiting Approval in the lead partner's Outsource Management dashboard
- Ticket synchronization is suspended. You cannot edit any notes, attachments, charges or time entries added before the synchronization was suspended.
- You can continue to add notes, attachments, charges, or time entries. They do not appear on the lead partner ticket.
NOTE The lead partner can change the outsource status to Complete at any time. They do not have to wait for you to submit the ticket for approval. When the lead partner changes the outsource status to Complete, it automatically changes the insource status of your ticket to Complete.

- You will receive a notification that includes the reason for the rejection
- A note containing the rejection reason is added to the ticket
- The Insource Status returns to In Progress
- Ticket synchronization resumes
- You can address the concerns of the lead partner and re-submit the ticket for approval

When the lead partner approves the ticket, the insource status becomes Complete and the following occurs:
- Both partners receive an email notification and a note is added to both tickets
- All links between the tickets are terminated and the tickets are no longer synched
- You can continue to add time and charge entries, notes, and attachments, but these additions are not visible to the lead partner
- All notes, time entries, charges, and attachments that you added to the ticket before the ticket became Complete are read-only on your ticket
- The lead partner can now edit notes, charges, or attachments that you added to the ticket before the status became Complete. Time entries cannot be edited
These events take place regardless of how the insource status is changed to Complete. For example, if the lead partner changes the status before you submit the ticket for approval, the results are the same
IMPORTANT Changing the insource status to Complete does not change the ticket status to Complete. When the insource status is changed to Complete, you must follow your company's internal procedures for completing the ticket and billing the outsourcing partner. Refer to Billing the lead partner.