Character limits of text fields
Text fields in Autotask allow a finite number of characters to be entered. Here is a list of those character limits, grouped by related entities and sorted by entity name.

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Checklist Library | Description | 500 |
Checklist Library | Name | 100 |
Checklist Library Checklist Item | Name | 600 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Contract | Contract Name | 100 |
Contract | Contract Number | 50 |
Contract | Description | 2000 |
Contract | External Contract Number | 50 |
Contract | Purchase Order Number | 50 |
ContractBillingRule | InvoiceDescription | 500 |
Contract Block | Invoice Number | 50 |
Contract Block | Payment Number | 50 |
Contract Charge | Description | 2000 |
Contract Charge | Notes | 2000 |
Contract Charge | Internal Purchase Order Number | 50 |
Contract Charge | Name | 100 |
Contract Charge |
Purchase Order Number |
50 |
Contract Exclusion Set | Description | 500 |
Contract Exclusion Set | Name | 100 |
Contract Milestone | Description | 250 |
Contract Milestone | Title | 100 |
Contract Note | Description | 8000 |
Contract Note | Title | 250 |
Contract Retainer | Payment Number | 50 |
Contract Service | Internal Description | 100 |
Contract Service | Invoice Description | 1000 |
Contract Ticket Purchase | Payment Number | 50 |
Service | Description | 400 |
Service | Invoice Description | 1000 |
Service | Name | 1000 |
Service Bundle | Description | 200 |
Service Bundle | Invoice Description | 1000 |
Service Bundle | Name | 150 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Department | Description | 1000 |
Department | Name | 100 |
Department | Number | 50 |
Role | Description | 2000 |
Role | Name | 1000 |

While the default term used in Autotask is Device, the name of the entity is Installed Product. In your Autotask instance, it may display as Asset, Configuration Item, Device, Installed Asset or Installed Product. Refer to Selecting a currency and local terms and symbols
Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Installed Product | Location | 100 |
Installed Product | Notes | 5000 |
Installed Product | Reference Number | 100 |
Installed Product | Reference Name | 200 |
Installed Product | Serial Number | 100 |
Installed Product |
Vendor Invoice Number | 50 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Expense Item | Description | 128 |
Expense Item | Entertainment Location | 128 |
Expense Item | From | 128 |
Expense Item |
Purchase Order Number |
50 |
Expense Item | To | 128 |
Expense Report | Name | 100 |
Expense Report | Rejection Reason | 2048 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Inventory Locations | Inventory Location Name | 50 |
Inventory Products | Bin | 50 |
Inventory Products | Inventory Reference Number | 50 |
Inventory Stocked Items |
Serial Number |
50 |
Inventory Stocked Items | Vendor Invoice Number | 50 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Billing Code | Description | 500 |
Billing Code | Number | 100 |
Billing Code | Name | 200 |
Billing Item | Description | 2000 |
Invoice | Comments | 4000 |
Invoice | Invoice Number | 100 |
Invoice | Order Number | 20 |
Invoice | Tax Region Name |
200 |
Tax | Tax Name | 100 |
Tax Category | Description | 200 |
Tax Category | Name | 200 |
Tax Region | Text | 200 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Opportunity | Barriers | 500 |
Opportunity | Help Needed | 500 |
Opportunity | Market | 500 |
Opportunity | Next Step | 500 |
Opportunity | Name | 128 |
Opportunity | Description | 8000 |
Opportunity | Loss Reason Detail | 50 |
Opportunity | Win Reason Detail | 50 |
Quote | Comment | 1000 |
Quote | Description | 2000 |
Quote | External Approval Response Signature | 250 |
Quote | External Quote Number | 50 |
Quote | Name | 100 |
Quote |
Purchase Order Number |
50 |
Quote Item | Name | 1000 |
Shipping Type | Description | 2000 |
Shipping Type | Name |
100 |

While the default term used in Autotask is Organization, the name of the entity is Account. In your Autotask instance, it may display as Account, Business Unit, Client, Company, Customer, Organization,or Site. Refer to Selecting a currency and local terms and symbols
The default name for the Business Division entity is Division, and for the Business Subdivision entity is Line of Business. Your Autotask instance may use a different display name. Refer to Setting up organizational structure.
Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Account | Account Name | 100 |
Account | Account Number | 50 |
Account | Additional Address Information | 100 |
Account | Address 1 | 150 |
Account | Address 2 | 150 |
Account | Alternate Phone 1 | 25 |
Account | Alternate Phone 2 | 25 |
Account | Bill To Additional Address Information | 100 |
Account | Bill To Address 1 | 150 |
Account | Bill To Address 2 | 150 |
Account | Bill To Attention | 50 |
Account | Bill To City | 50 |
Account | Bill To State | 128 |
Account | Bill To Zip Code | 50 |
Account | City | 50 |
Account | Country | 100 |
Account | Fax | 25 |
Account | Phone | 25 |
Account | Postal Code | 30 |
Account | SIC Code | 32 |
Account | State | 50 |
Account | Stock Market | 10 |
Account | Stock Symbol | 10 |
Account | Tax ID | 50 |
Account | Web Address | 255 |
Account Alert | Alert Text | 8000 |
Account Location | Location | 100 |
Account Note | Name | 128 |
Account Note | Note | 32000 |
Account To Do | Activity Description | 3200 |
Action Type | Name | 32 |
Appointment | Description | 8000 |
Business Division | Description | 400 |
Business Division | Name | 50 |
Business Subdivision | Description | 400 |
Business Subdivision | Name | 50 |
Classification Icon | Description | 100 |
Classification Icon | Name | 35 |
Client Portal User | Password | 50 |
Client Portal User | User Name | 200 |
Contact | Additional Address Information | 100 |
Contact | Address Line | 128 |
Contact | Address Line 1 | 128 |
Contact | Alternate Phone | 32 |
Contact | City | 32 |
Contact | Country | 100 |
Contact | EMail Address | 50 |
Contact | Extension | 10 |
Contact | External ID | 50 |
Contact | Facebook URL | 200 |
Contact | Fax Number | 25 |
Contact | First Name | 20 |
Contact | Last Name | 20 |
Contact | LinkedIn URL | 200 |
Contact | Middle Name | 50 |
Contact | Mobile Phone | 25 |
Contact | Phone | 25 |
Contact | State | 40 |
Contact | Title | 50 |
Contact | Twitter URL | 200 |
Contact | Zip Code | 16 |
Contact Alert | Alert Text | 8000 |
Contact Group | Contact Group Name |
100 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Product | Description | 8000 |
Product | External Product ID | 50 |
Product | Link | 500 |
Product | Manufacturer Name | 100 |
Product | Manufacturer Product Name | 50 |
Product | Name | 1000 |
Product | SKU | 50 |
Product | Vendor Product Number | 50 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Phase | Description | 8000 |
Phase | External ID | 50 |
Phase | Title | 255 |
Project | Description | 8000 |
Project | External Project Number | 50 |
Project | Project Name | 100 |
Project | Project Number | 50 |
Project |
Purchase Order Number |
50 |
Project | Status Detail | 2000 |
Project Charge | Internal Purchase Order Number | 50 |
Project Charge | Name | 100 |
Project Charge | Notes | 2000 |
Project Charge |
Purchase Order Number |
50 |
Project Note | Description | 3200 |
Project Note | Description (via CLEP) | 8000 |
Project Note | Title | 250 |
Task | Description | 8000 |
Task | External ID | 50 |
Task |
Purchase Order Number |
50 |
Task | Task Number | 50 |
Task | Title | 255 |
Task Note | Description | 32000 |
Task Note | Title | 250 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Purchase Order | External PO Number | 50 |
Purchase Order | Fax | 25 |
Purchase Order | General Memo | 4000 |
Purchase Order | Phone | 25 |
Purchase Order | Ship To Address 1 | 128 |
Purchase Order | Ship To Address 2 | 128 |
Purchase Order | Ship To City | 30 |
Purchase Order | Ship To Name | 100 |
Purchase Order | Ship To Postal Code | 10 |
Purchase Order | Ship To State | 25 |
Purchase Order | Vendor Invoice Number | 50 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Account Name | 41 | |
Invoice Address | 41 | |
Invoice City | 31 | |
Invoice Country | 31 | |
Invoice Item Names | 31 | |
Invoice Line Description | 4000 | |
Invoice State | 21 | |
Invoice Zip | 13 | |
Item Name | 31 | |
Memo | 4000 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Services | Catalog Number/Part Number | 50 |
Services | Description | 200 |
Services | External Service Bundle ID | 50 |
Services | Internal Service Bundle ID | 50 |
Services | Invoice Description | 1000 |
Services | Manufacturer/Service Provider | 100 |
Services | Manufacturer/Service Provider Product Number | 50 |
Services | Name | 150 |
Services | Service Bundle Link (URL) | 500 |
Services | Service Bundle SKU | 50 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Services | Catalog Number/Part Number | 50 |
Services | Description | 400 |
Services | External Service ID | 50 |
Services | Internal Service ID | 50 |
Services | Invoice Description | 1000 |
Services | Manufacturer/Service Provider | 100 |
Services | Manufacturer/Service Provider Product Number | 50 |
Services | Name | 150 |
Services | Service Link (URL) | 500 |
Services | Service SKU | 50 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Subscription | Description | 2000 |
Subscription | Name | 100 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Ticket | Change Info Field (Each) | 8000 |
Ticket | Description | 8000 |
Ticket | External ID | 50 |
Ticket |
Purchase Order Number |
50 |
Ticket | Resolution | 32000 |
Ticket | TicketNumber | 50 |
Ticket | Title | 255 |
Ticket Change Request Approval | Approve Reject Note | 2000 |
Ticket Charge | Product Description | 8000 |
Ticket Charge | Internal Purchase Order Number | 50 |
Ticket Charge | Name | 100 |
Ticket Charge |
Purchase Order Number |
50 |
Ticket Note | Description | 32000 |
Ticket Note | Title | 250 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Time Entry | Internal Notes | 32000 |
Time Entry | Summary Notes | 32000 |
Attachment | Full Path | 255 |
Attachment | Title | 255 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
UDF | Name | 45 |
UDF | Description | 128 |
UDF | Merge Variable Name | 100 |
UDF | Multi Line Text | 32000 |
UDF | Single Line Text | 32000 |

Entity | Field Label | Character Count |
Workflow Rules | Description | 2000 |