Adding an organization

SECURITY Security Level with access to at least one organization type, and object permission to add an organization and optionally other CRM entities. Refer to CRM security settings.
NAVIGATION Create > CRM > Organization
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > CRM > Search > Organizations > click New
NAVIGATION Any entity view with a New link next to the Organization Name field, for example, the New Ticket page
When you manually add an organization to your Autotask instance, your organization category may be configured to allow you to add a first contact, note, or to-do, as well.
NOTE If you lack object permission to add contacts, notes, or to-dos, those components will not appear.
Quick Steps

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- On the top navigation menu, select Create > CRM > Organization.
- If your settings are configured to prompt you for the organization category, the New Organization page will open to the Organization Category selection page. Refer to Settings.
- Click on a nickname button, or click on the Organization Category drop-down menu and select a category. Then click OK, or click Skip.
- The New Organization main page will open. The category you selected on the previous page or your default category will be preselected.
- Populate all required fields on the Main panel and the Details panel. For field descriptions, refer to Organization field descriptions.
- Depending on the selected organization category and your security permissions, three optional components may appear on the Main panel: Create a Contact, Create a Note, and Create a To-Do. Select the check box to expand a section and populate all required fields. Refer to Contact field descriptions and Note and to-do field descriptions.
You can populate organization, contact, note, and to-do fields in any order.
- Click a Save option. Autotask performs a duplicate check on the organization and, if the organization was a duplicate, the contact. Refer to Duplicate checking.
- The new organization opens to the Organization page. Refer to The Organization page.
Field descriptions

Because organization categories allow your administrators to hide fields or display them in any order, the field descriptions are sorted alphabetically.
Field Name | Description |
Account Manager* |
The resource in your organization who will take overall responsibility for the account relationship. The field can be displayed on other entities but will be view-only. Users who are selected as account managers must have security permissions to view the organization type and Mine or higher object permissions. Account managers have the same security permissions as account team members. Organizations where you are the account manager or a team member can be found under My > CRM > Organizations. Refer to CRM security settings. |
Account Team |
This field appears in entities that have resources associated to an organization. Designated account teams typically provide service to a specific customer to become familiar with the technical environment and customer contacts, streamlining service delivery. Account team members have the same security permissions as account managers. Use the resource selector to select one or multiple resources for the account team. |
Active Opportunity Amount |
This view-only field shows the value of all currently active opportunities for the organization. If the Opportunity View object permission is set to Mine, it shows the value of all opportunities the user is the owner of. |
Additional Address Information |
This field appears in some entities that store addresses. Country names that cannot be mapped to an Autotask country will appear in this field. Enter any additional, non-standard address information that you need to display on customer-facing documents. |
Address 1 | See Address fields. |
Address 2 |
See Address fields. |
Address fields |
Address fields are an integral part of organization, contact, and resource records, and are inherited or propagated to entities that are part of the billing workflow. Fields include Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip Code. They can be designated Billing Address, Sold to, Bill to, and Ship to. The address format on customer-facing documents such as quotes and invoices can be customized. Complete or change the fields required for a physical or postal address. For some address fields you can select different local terms. For example, in your Autotask instance, State may be labeled Province. Refer to Selecting a currency and local terms and symbols. |
Alternate Phone 1 and 2 |
Refer to Phone. |
Asset Value |
The present market value of the organization. Refer to Investopedia's Asset Valuation article. |
City |
See Address fields. |
Classification |
Classifications are associated with icons that provide visual identifiers used to categorize and search for organizations. They appear with the organization name throughout Autotask. Refer to Classification icons. On the New Organization or Edit Organization pages, select a classification option from the drop-down menu. |
Closed Opportunity Amount |
This view-only field shows the value of all closed opportunities for the organization. |
Competitor |
This field appears in entities that undergo the sales process. Adding your competitors to Autotask allows you to reference them during the sales process so you can analyze who you win over and lose to. The primary competitor for an opportunity will depend on the products and services the opportunity includes. It may be different from the primary competitor at the organization level. Refer to Competitors. Select the strongest competitor for the organization or opportunity. |
Country |
This field appears in entities that are associated with an address. Autotask includes a standardized list of country names. On the Countries page, you can deactivate all countries you are not doing business with and select a default country. Refer to Managing your Countries list. Select a country where the entity is located. |
Currency (if Multi-currency is enabled) |
If Multi-currency is enabled, you can select a currency on the New Organization or the Edit Organization page. The selected currency is used for billing and is displayed on entities associated with charges and payment. If the Currency field is visible, you can select a currency from all active currencies. If the Currency field is hidden, a default currency can be supplied by the organization category or the selected country:
When you edit the organization, you cannot change the currency if the organization has any contracts with another organization as the billing organization. If the organization is a sub-organization, the currency must be the same as the parent organization's.
Refer to Supported Currencies and Assigning a currency. |
Fax |
Refer to Phone. |
LinkedIn URL |
The URL for the corporate website or the social media website. |
Market Segment |
Associating customers with market segments allows you to group and report on customers that have something in common. Using market segments is optional. Refer to Market segments. Select the market segment that best fits the organization. |
Organization Category |
The [Entity] Category field appears on all entity pages for which categories can be configured. They determine the layout and the options on the entity:
Refer to Introduction to Categories. Subject to security permissions, select a category for the organization. |
Organization Name* |
Organization or Organization Name refers to the organization associated with the entity. This field is always required.
For this field, you can select a different local term. In your Autotask instance, it may be labeled Account, Business Unit, Client, Company, Customer, Organization, or Site. Refer to Selecting a currency and local terms and symbols. |
Organization Number |
This field appears in organizations. It is an optional field that can be used as a reference to external applications like accounting software. If you decide to use organization numbers, make sure all users with security level permission to add or edit organizations understand what system you use to assign organization numbers. IMPORTANT Organization Number is different from Organization ID. Your local organization is always identified by the Organization ID 0. We suggest that you also assign the Organization Number 0 to your local organization to avoid confusion. |
Organization opted out from Surveys |
This check box appears in organizations and is used to indicate whether an organization as a whole has opted out of receiving surveys. If the check box is selected, no surveys will be sent to any contact from this organization. Select the check box to prevent surveys from going out to any contacts at the organization. |
Organization Type |
The organization type describes your company's relationship with another organization. Organization types are pre-defined; they cannot be modified or added to. Options include the following:
The organization type imposes some restrictions:
Parent Organization Name |
An organization can have a two-level dependency with another organization, called a parent-sub-organization relationship. To learn more about parent/sub-organizations, refer to Overview of organizations. If the organization will be the sub-organization of an existing organization, begin to type the parent organization name and then select the correct organization. You can also click the data selector icon For information on using data selectors, refer to Data selector windows. |
Phone |
Autotask lets you track multiple phone numbers for each of the following entities:
The Phone field is required for organizations and primary locations only. If you are adding a contact during organization creation, the organization phone number is entered as the default. Phone numbers are referenced in many other entities, usually in combination with a role the person is playing in this context or an action they are taking. For example, [Opportunity: Owner Mobile Phone] references the mobile phone of the resource who is the opportunity owner for this sales opportunity. |
Primary Contact |
The primary contact is the lead contact for an organization, and will become the primary Outsource contact if this organization becomes an outsource partner. There can be only one primary contact at a time. When you create the first contact for an existing organization, the Primary Contact check box will be selected by default, but can be cleared. On the Organization page, this field is read-ony. To set a contact as the primary contact, select the Primary Contact check box on the Edit Contact page. |
Round-Trip Distance |
The distance, in miles or kilometers, between your internal location and the customer's organization or organization location. The default value is 0. Saving the distance in the organization record lets you quickly add a ticket, project, or contract charge to bill for travel. Refer to Tracking round trip distance and Mileage/Kilometrage defaults (applies to Ticket Charges, Project Charges, and Contract Charges). |
SIC Code |
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit codes that categorize the industries that organizations belong to based on their business activities. |
State |
See Address fields. |
Status |
The status of an organization can be active or inactive. Inactive organizations are not available for selection on other entities. |
Stock Market |
For a publicly traded organization, enter the stock market they are traded on (NASDAQ, NYSE). |
Stock Symbol |
For a public organization, enter their stock market symbol. |
Tax Exempt |
Tax-exempt items invoiced to this organization will not be taxed, regardless of the tax category applied to the billing item. You can override theTax Exempt setting for an organization location. NOTE For QuickBooks Users: The Tax-exempt status flag is transferred to QuickBooks with a new customer. If the Tax Exempt setting is overridden at the organization location level, this is disregarded in QuickBooks, because a location is not a separate customer. |
Tax ID |
The tax identification number for this organization.
Tax Region |
Select the tax jurisdiction whose tax rules will apply to this organization or organization location. This field is inherited by entities that are part of the billing workflow but can be overridden on a quote or invoice. The tax region selected on the quote or invoice, together with the tax category applied to the billing items via the billing codes, determine the taxes on each billing item. Refer to Configuring your tax table. |
Territory |
A territory is a geographical area or group of customers for which an individual salesperson or a sales team is responsible. Territories are associated with organizations, and their use is optional. Territories are typically defined on the basis of geography, sales potential, history, or a combination of factors. They are used by sales managers to fairly distribute and manage opportunities. Refer to Territories. Territories can optionally be assigned to a parent region. For example, the territory New York State might belong to a Northeast parent region. Refer to Regions. |
User-defined Fields |
User-defined fields (UDFs) are custom fields set up by your Autotask Administrator that capture information that is unique to your business. They can be one of the following field types:
You are able to see and update this information based on your security permissions. If you do not have permission to view or update the data, it will be masked with asterisks. If you can view but not edit the data, editing will be disabled. Refer to Viewing protected data. Also review Managing user-defined fields. You must complete any required UDFs before you can save the entity. |
Web, Facebook URL, Twitter URL |
The URL for the corporate website or the social media website. |
Zip Code |
See Address fields. |

If you select Create a Contact, a subset of contact fields plus all active Contact UDFs are displayed.
Field | Description |
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name |
First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name are referenced in many other entities, usually in combination with a role the person is playing in this context or an action they are taking. Enter the individual's first (given) name, last name (surname), and, optionally, middle name. |
Prefix, Suffix |
This field indicates the gender preference (Mr., Ms., etc.), generation (Jr., Sr.), and professional achievement (PhD) of an individual associated with your local organization (where they are called resources) or an organization in your Autotask instance (where they are called contacts). The list of Name prefixes and suffixes is configurable. Select a name prefix or suffix from the drop-down list. |
Title |
This field refers to the job title of an individual associated with your company (where they are called resources) or an organization in your Autotask instance (where they are called contacts). Title is referenced in many other entities, usually in combination with a role the person is playing in this context or an action they are taking. |
Phone Extension, Mobile Phone |
Autotask lets you track multiple phone numbers for each of the following entities:
The Phone field is required for organizations and primary locations only. If you are adding a contact during organization creation, the organization phone number is entered as the default. Phone numbers are referenced in many other entities, usually in combination with a role the person is playing in this context or an action they are taking. For example, [Opportunity: Owner Mobile Phone] references the mobile phone of the resource who is the opportunity owner for this sales opportunity. |
Contact UDFs |
User-defined fields (UDFs) are custom fields set up by your Autotask Administrator that capture information that is unique to your business. They can be one of the following field types:
You are able to see and update this information based on your security permissions. If you do not have permission to view or update the data, it will be masked with asterisks. If you can view but not edit the data, editing will be disabled. Refer to Viewing protected data. Also review Managing user-defined fields. You must complete any required UDFs before you can save the entity. |

For notes and to-dos, the same subset of fields is displayed.
Field | Description |
Action Type* |
Action type categorizes the CRM notes and to-dos, and describes the nature of the sales activity. The action type determines whether a note or to-do will appear in Autotask in the Calendar, To-Do, Calendar and To-Do, or in Neither Calendar nor To-Do. Refer to Action types. Select a required action type. |
Start Date |
Enter the first day of the date range for the activity. It will default to today's date but can be modified. |
Start Time |
Enter the beginning of the time range for an activity. The Start Time defaults to the current time. |
End Date |
Enter the last day of the date range the entity is active or valid. Contracts If the end date is not the planned last day of a billing period (you have a partial last month), the charge for the last billing period will be prorated. Opportunities Enter a projected end date for the work associated with the opportunity. The field does not affect revenue or profit forecasts. Phases When you add tasks to the phase, the phase end date adjusts to the end date of the latest task. Billing Rules No charges will be created for periods that would have started after the end date. If left blank, charge creation stops on the contract end date. If you enter a date that is later than the contract end date, a message that includes the contract end date will appear. |
End Time |
The end of the time range for the activity. The end time defaults to the current time + 15 minutes. |
Assigned To* |
This field determines who is assigned to an entity. It defaults to your name. To assign this entity to another user, select the user from the drop-down list in the Assigned To field. The list contains only users with access to the CRM module. |
Description | Enter a description of the planned activity in the text field. This field is optional but we recommend that you provide details. NOTE This field has a limit of 32,000 characters. |
Duplicate checking

When you click any Save option to create a new organization or edit an existing one, Autotask compares the new information with existing organizations and contacts to check for potential duplicates. If no duplicates are found, the organization and contact records are created.
The following fields are checked for a match (data check is not case sensitive):
- Organization Name: Looks for exact matches to the organization name. No organizations are returned as duplicates if more that 20 similar organizations are found.
- Phone: Looks at numeric characters only. Because all non-numeric characters are ignored, "518-720-3500" will be recognized as a duplicate of "(518) 720-3500". Phone numbers must contain at least five digits to be included in the duplicate check. No organizations are returned as duplicates if more than 20 matching organizations are found.
- Email: Looks for an exact match on the domain suffix for any email address associated with the organization.
If any potential matches are found, a Possible Duplicate Organization Found page opens.
Review the matches and decide if you would like to add the new organization you just entered, or instead attach the contact, note, and to-do to an existing organization. You can click a row to open the Organization or Contact pages to help you decide which version to keep.
To keep the new organization you just entered, leave the Save as a new organization check box selected and click Save & Close. The new contact (if contact information is provided) and a completed note and/or to-do are associated with this new organization.
If you select an existing organization and click Save, the following occurs:
The new organization is not created, and the organization information for the selected organization is not updated with any information from the New Organization page.
Any contact information, notes, or to-dos on the New Organization page are added to the selected organization.
Autotask runs a duplicate contact check to determine if the contact already exists for the selected organization. Refer to Duplicate Contact Check below.
- To return to the New Organization page, click Cancel.
NOTE If a duplicate organization is created by mistake, your administrator can merge duplicate organizations (Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Organizations & Contacts > Utilities > Organization Merge). Any contacts for these organizations do not get combined automatically, so duplicate contacts must be merged separately (Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Organizations & Contacts > Utilities > Contact Merge). Refer to Merging entities.
NOTE If you do not have permission to edit an organization, the check box will be replaced with an icon. The icon will have a tooltip indicating that you cannot select the organization because you do not have permission to edit it.

The duplicate contact check is only triggered if a duplicate organization is found and you selected an existing organization to add the contact, note, and to-do to.
The selected organization is checked for any contacts with the same last names. If a match is found, the Possible Duplicate Contact Found dialog box opens. Review the match and decide if you would like to save the new contact you just entered or instead update an existing contact's information with the new information.
- To add the new contact you just entered, leave the Save as a new contact check box selected. The new contact will be associated with the organization that was selected in the duplicate organization check.
- To update an existing contact, select a radio button for one of the contacts on the list. The contact fields for the existing contact will be updated with the information entered on the New Organization page. If any contact-related fields on the New Organization page are blank, information on the existing contact will be preserved.
- Click Save & Close to proceed.
If you click Cancel and then click Yes on the confirmation message, you will discard the entire new organization entry, including contact, note, and to-do.
Other ways to add organizations to your Autotask instance
Refer to Other ways to add organizations to your Autotask instance.