Financial reports on the Organization page

SECURITY Security level with access to Contracts, and account managers and account team members if the "Allow Account Managers and Account Team Members to access the Organization page’s Financial View for their accounts, even if they do not have access to the Contracts module" is enabled.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > CRM > Search > Organizations > click on an organization name > accessory tabs > Financials
About the Financials tab
The Financials tab of the Organization page provides quick access to a comprehensive set of financial reports for the currently selected customer. Two groups of reports, Financial Reports and Profitability Reports, allow you to see historical profitability metrics, contract and project profitability data, and reports on the time (billable and non-billable) your resources spent to support the organization.
These reports are Autotask standard reports. They are all based on the same data set, and the resulting totals are consistent. For information on the data included in the Financial and Profitability Reports, refer to Definitions and calculations for financials.
IMPORTANT You can run similar reports using System LiveReports that include different data and do not necessarily show the same results. Refer to Comparable system LiveReports for financials.
To run a report, click on the report name.
Parent organization or Sub-organization section
If the organization is either a parent organization or a sub-organization, and additional section will appear that will clarify what information is included in the following reports.
Financial Reports
Profitability Reports
For a parent organization or a sub-organization, a caution icon and a text message remind you that the parent-sub-organization relationship has an impact on report data.
- The revenue for sub-organization billing items associated with a parent contract and revenue associated with no contract appears on the parent organization financial reports
- The cost for those items appears on the sub-organization financial reports
NOTE Use the Financials reports to get a quick overview of one customer, but use System LiveReports for general reporting, since they tend to include more data.
Comparable system LiveReports for financials
The following System LiveReports are available in the Profitability report group.
- Profit detail by organization: This report provides a detailed line item view of revenue, cost, and profit for the selected organizations, grouped by organization.
- Profit detail by contract: This report provides a detailed line item view of revenue, cost, and profit for the selected organizations, grouped by contract.
- Profit detail by project: This report provides detailed revenue, cost, and profit information for the selected organizations, grouped by project.
- Profit summary by organization: This report provides summary revenue, cost, and profit information for the selected organizations, grouped by organization.
- Profit summary by contract: This report provides summary revenue, cost, and profit information for the selected organizations, grouped by contract.
- Profit summary by project: This report provides summary revenue, cost, and profit information for the selected organizations, grouped by project.
System LiveReports can be copied and edited to add or remove report columns, change grouping and filtering, etc. For more information on LiveReports, refer to LiveReports.