Contract Exclusions

NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Contracts > Search > Contracts > open a contract > Menu > Exclusions
About exclusions
Exclusion is a contract feature that allows you to exclude individual roles, work types, and sub-issues from the current contract. Refer to Excluding individual roles, work types and sub-issues. You can also select predefined sets of roles, work types, and sub-issues to which the contract won't apply. Refer to Managing contract exclusion sets and Adding, editing, or copying a contract exclusion set.
- You can then either apply a different contract, the exclusion contract, or leave the Exclusion Contract field blank to remove contract coverage entirely. Refer to Exclusion Contract.
- If the first exclusion contract also excludes some of the rolled-over roles, work types, or sub-issues and has its own exclusion contract, the roles, work types, and sub-issues may be covered by this second exclusion contract. This is called an exclusion path or an exclusion contract chain.
Excluded roles, work types, and sub-issues are managed on the Exclusions page of the contract. Using exclusions is optional.
EXAMPLE You have a Remote Support contract with a customer. If at some point you need to send a field technician to the customer site for on-site work, you don't want that work billed to your Remote Support contract.
There may also be roles, like Network Engineer, that you never bill out under a remote support contract. To prevent a resource from entering time against the Remote Support contract using a Network Engineer role or On-site work type, you can exclude those roles and work types from the contract.

To apply an alternate contract to the roles, work types and sub-issues you will select below or to remove contract coverage entirely, do the following:
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Select Exclusions from the Contract Menu.
- Complete the following field:

Field | Description |
Exclusion Set
An exclusion set is a predefined list of roles, work types, and sub-issues that will not be covered under the current contract. Exclusion sets can be used in multiple contracts. They will increase accuracy and save time. EXAMPLE Most of your customers have a Remote Support contract that is the default contract, since initially, you will attempt to solve any issues on the phone or using screen sharing. This contract covers roles such as Support Technician and work types such as Remote Support. All other roles and work types are added to an exclusion set called Not Remote. This ensures that the ticket's or project's contract is not applied to time entries that use the excluded roles and work types. They will use the exclusion contract, or no contract at all. Click the drop-down menu and make a selection. All previously created exclusion sets are available. Refer to Managing contract exclusion sets. To create a new exclusion set and apply it to the contract (where available), click the plus sign. The New Contract Exclusion Set page will open. Refer to Adding, editing, or copying a contract exclusion set. |
Description |
The description of the selected exclusion set. |
Excluded Items |
This pane lists the roles, work types, and sub-issues that are part of the exclusion set. |

- Complete the following fields:
Field | Description |
Role, Work Type, and Sub-issue selection panes
To exclude specific roles, work types, and sub-issues, or to exclude additional roles, work types, and sub-issues (if you selected an exclusion set), select and click, or double-click, a role, work type, or sub-issue. This will move it from the Available to the Excluded lists. |
Excluded Roles Excluded Work Types Excluded Sub-issues |
These panes show the roles, work types, and sub-issues that were individually excluded from the contract, either instead of or in addition to the exclusion set. Select and click, or double-click, a role, work type, or sub-issue. This will move it from the Excluded to the Available lists. |
- Click Save.
NOTE Exclusions made for specific roles, work types and sub-issues will remain excluded even if the same role, work type, or sub-issue is excluded in the associated exclusion set, and the exclusion set is then changed or removed.

IMPORTANT Tickets can be saved with roles and work types that are excluded from the contract on the ticket. However, when you create time entries for those tickets using the excluded roles and work types, a warning message will appear. You can choose to have the exclusion contract automatically applied to the time entry, or you can return to the time entry and modify the role, work type, or contract.
When you create a ticket and apply a role or work type that is excluded from the selected contract and click Save, the following message will appear:
The selected role / work type is excluded under the selected contract. Are you sure you want to save this ticket?
- If you click Yes, the ticket is created with the selected role or work type and the original contract. The exclusion contract is not applied to the ticket.
- If you click No, the confirmation dialog will close and the ticket will not be saved. You will be returned to the New Ticket or Edit Ticket page.
When you create a time entry using a role or work type that is excluded from the selected contract and click Save, an alert message will appear:
The selected role / work type is excluded under the selected contract. This time will be associated with the following contract: Exclusion contract. Do you want to continue?
- If you click Yes, the time entry is saved with the selected role or work type and the appropriate exclusion contract. If there is no exclusion contract, the time entry will have its associated contract value cleared, and will be billed using Admin role rates and work type multipliers.
- If you click No, the confirmation dialog will close and the time entry will not be saved. You will be returned to the New Time Entry or Edit Time Entry page.

IMPORTANT Unlike tickets with excluded roles and work types, tickets with a contract that excludes the sub-issue on the ticket cannot be saved until the contract or sub-issue is updated. If you attempt to save a ticket with a contract that excludes the ticket's sub-issue, a warning message will appear. You can choose to have the exclusion contract automatically applied to the ticket, or you can return to the ticket and modify the sub-issue or contract.
If you create a time entry for a ticket and change the contract on the time entry to one that excludes the ticket's sub-issue, a warning message will appear. You can choose to have the exclusion contract automatically applied to the time entry, or you can return to the time entry and modify the contract to one that does not exclude the ticket's sub-issue.
When you create a ticket and apply a sub-issue that is excluded from the selected contract and click Save, an alert message will appear:
The selected sub-issue is excluded under the selected contract. The contract will be updated. Are you sure you want to save this ticket?
- If you click Yes, the ticket is created with the selected sub-issue. If an exclusion contract is set on the current contract, the exclusion contract is applied when the ticket is saved. If there is no exclusion contract, the contract field will be cleared.
- If the newly applied exclusion contract has a default SLA, that default SLA is applied to the ticket.
- If you click No, the confirmation dialog will close and the ticket will not be saved. You will be returned to the New Ticket or Edit Ticket page.
When you create a time entry for a ticket, the contract on the ticket is applied to the time entry. If you change the contract to one that excludes the ticket's sub-issue and click Save, an alert message will appear:
The ticket's sub-issue is excluded under the selected contract. This time entry will be associated with the following contract: Exclusion contract. Do you want to continue?
- If you click Yes, the time entry is saved with the appropriate exclusion contract. If there is no exclusion contract, the time entry will have its associated contract value cleared, and will be billed using Admin role rates and work type multipliers.
- If you click No, the confirmation dialog will close and the time entry will not be saved. You will be returned to the New Time Entry or Edit Time Entry page.