Renewing a recurring service contract

NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Contracts > Search > Contracts > click Search > context menu of a contract > Renew Contract Wizard
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Contracts > Search > Contracts > context menu > View contract > Summary page > Options > Renew Contract
About contract renewal
Autotask enables you to renew and extend recurring service contracts. Contract renewal is not available for any other contract type.
Renewing a contract is similar to copying it, with the following additional features:
- All devices will be disassociated from the original contract and associated with the new (renewal) contract on the renewal contract's start date.
- The unit counts on services and bundles at the date of the renewal will be transferred to the renewal contract.
A contract can only be renewed once. The newly created contract can then be renewed when it reaches its end date.
Renewing a contract
To renew a contract, do the following:
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- The Renew Contract Wizard opens. The fields in the Renew Contract Wizard are identical to the ones in the New Contract Wizard. All field values have been copied from the original contract, with the following exceptions:
Field | Description |
Contract Name |
Defaults to [Renewal of] [old contract name]. |
Organization |
This field is disabled. You cannot change the organization of a renewal contract. |
Contract Period Type |
This field is disabled. You cannot change the contract period type of a renewal contract. |
Start Date |
The new contract's start date will default to the day after the original contract's end date, but can be edited. If the original contract is still active on the renewal contract's start date, it will be inactivated and ended the day before the renewal contract's start date. |
End Date |
The duration of the renewal contract, calculated from its start date, defaults to the full period length appropriate for the date range. EXAMPLE If you renew a quarterly contract that included February, the renewal contract will end on the last day of July, not on July 28th. |
Adjust Service/Bundle Pricing By (%) |
This field allows you to easily increase the price of all services and bundles in the contract by a given percentage when the contract is renewed. By default, this field is blank, meaning the price for all services and bundles will remain the same. The maximum % increase is 1,000.00 %. Negative numbers (price decreases) are not supported. When you click Next, the Unit Price column will reflect the raised prices, but you can still manually adjust the unit prices up or down. |
Service/Bundle Units and Price |
Service/Bundle units and pricing, including any service or bundle adjustments, will be copied from the original contract to the renewal contract, using the original contract's full period price on the renewal contract's start date. If the original prices were adjusted, the latest adjusted prices will be used, even if the price adjustments happened after the start date of the renewal contract. EXAMPLE If you change the price of a service from $10 to $20 on March 2, and then renew the contract effective March 1, the renewal price will be $20. |
- Modify fields as required. For field descriptions, refer to Creating a contract.
- Click Finish.
What happens when a contract is renewed?
- If the original contract is still active, it will be deactivated and ended the day before the renewal contract's start date. If the contract has already ended, it will keep its end date, and the new contract start date will default to the day after the original contract's expiration date.
- A contract note will be added to the old contract, indicating that it was renewed.
- Devices associated with the original contract will become associated with the renewal contract on the renewal contract's start date.
- Billing Rules will be copied, but they will be inactive on the renewal contract. All rules will have a start date equal to the new contract's start date and no end date.
- If the old contract is the default service desk contract, the renewal contract will also be a default service desk contract. If another contract has already been designated as the default contract, a dialog box at the end of the Renew Contract Wizard will allow you to choose which contract will be the default going forward.
- If Integrated Customer Billing is enabled, the mapping of module billing types to Autotask services on the Service Mapping page of the contract is copied to the renewal contract. Refer to Service Mapping.
Items that will not be transferred to the renewal contract
The following items will not be transferred to the renewal contract:
- Incomplete tickets and projects. If tickets and projects still in progress when the old contract is ended early, they will not be transferred to the new contract. This means that the tickets, projects, time entries and charges are no longer associated with an active contract!
- Contract charges whose date is after the old contract's new end date.
- Existing time entries whose work date is after the contract's expiration date. This can happen if the renewal date is set to a past date.
Refer to Service Mapping.