Completing tickets

SECURITY These pages are governed by the Service Desk security settings of the security level assigned to you.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Service Desk > Search > Tickets > click Search > open a ticket > click Complete (if enabled on the ticket category)
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Service Desk > Search > Tickets > click Search > open a ticket > Quick Add bar > Time Entry (Alt + 1)
Setting the Ticket Status to Complete indicates that the problem tracked on the ticket is resolved.
- By default, you cannot enter additional time on a completed ticket.
- Complete tickets no longer appear on My > Tasks and Tickets, queues and dashboards. Users with Ticket View permission = All can still find them here: Left Navigation Menu > Search > Tickets.
- A dialog box allows you to also complete any incomplete to-dos associated with the ticket.
- If the ticket has been outsourced, changing the ticket status to Complete will change the outsource status to Complete on both lead and service partner tickets. Refer to Completing an outsourced ticket.
To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
How to...

The ticket status can be changed to Complete in the places noted at the top of the topic. It is possible for an integration to set the ticket status to Complete. Additionally, the ticket status changes to Complete when you merge the ticket from the ticket Tools menu or a ticket table menu.
IMPORTANT Only the system status Complete actually completes the ticket!

Autotask automatically tracks the name of the resource who completes the ticket, and the date on which the ticket is completed. You can display these fields on the ticket by adding them to a section on the Details tab of the ticket category. Using the column chooser, these fields can also be displayed on ticket tables.
Both fields are system fields and cannot be manually edited.
The completion fields are available as filters on the Ticket Search page and dashboard widgets, and conditions in workflow rules. They are also available in LiveReports, the Data Warehouse and the API. Completion variables are available on notification templates.

- Your company may opt to prohibit time entry on completed tickets. This setting is determined by your Administrator here: Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Application-Wide (Shared) Features > System Settings > Service Desk > Prohibit time entry on tickets whose status is Complete.
- Some companies require their resources to provide a reason for completion or reason for re-opening a ticket. This requirement is set on the ticket category Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Service Desk (Tickets) > Ticket Categories > edit a ticket category > General tab > Other Options > Require user to enter a reason for completion and reason for re-opening when completing/re-opening a ticket.
The reason appears in the ticket's activity feed. In the Reason for Completion pop-up window, a check box, Append to Resolution, appears below the Reason text field. If you select this check box, the content of the Reason field appears in the Resolution field found in the ticket detail (resolution appears only when there is content in the Resolution field). If Knowledge Base is enabled, the content of the Resolution field also appears in any Knowledge Base articles created from the ticket.
NOTE When a ticket is completed by a merge, the note created automatically by the merge will fill the requirement.
- Tickets completed by a merge can be moved to a specific queue. This option is set by an Administrator here: Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Application-Wide (Shared) Features > System Settings > Service Desk > Move merged tickets to the following queue (leave blank to keep current queue).