Setting your schedule view and date range

SECURITY Dispatch Calendar permissions
NAVIGATION Calendar > Dispatch Calendar
In the Dispatch Calendar, you can modify the schedule view to suit your work week needs and navigate between weeks and months. The tools to modify the schedule view and date range are located in the menu bar:
NOTE Dispatch Calendar views show a daily start time of 8:00 a.m. This setting cannot be changed. You can schedule items for an earlier start time when you add or edit the item. Those items will appear on the calendar and display the correct start time.
Selecting the date to display
When you open the Dispatch Calendar, the date field defaults to the current date.
To select a different date to display on the Calendar:
- Enter the date you want to display directly into the date field, or
- Click the left or right arrows that appear next to the date field in the menu bar. If you are in a multi-day view, the schedule will move ahead or back one week, in single-day view, it will move ahead or back one day, or
- Click the calendar icon to open the navigation calendar, then click the date you want to display.
- To navigate to a different month, use the forward and backward icons on the navigation calendar. The single arrows will move you to the previous or next month, the double arrows will move you to the selected month in the previous or next year.
Selecting a schedule view
When you open Dispatch Calendar, the date field defaults to the current day, and the default schedule view is the view you last used. To change the display, click the corresponding number.
The options are:
- Single day display. This option appears in the menu bar as 1.
- Five day week that starts on Monday and ends on Friday (5).
- Seven day week that starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday (7).
- Seven day week that begins on the date that appears in the Date field (+7).
NOTE The First Day of Week is a location-level setting. An administrator can select Monday as the First Day of the Week for your location. Refer to Internal locations.
NOTE If you are in a multi-day view, you can go to a hourly view for the day by clicking on the hyper-linked date at the top of a column.