Selecting resources and workgroups to display

SECURITY Dispatch Calendar permissions
NAVIGATION Calendar > Dispatch Calendar
You can select which resources or workgroups appear in Dispatch Calendar using filters located in the Menu Bar.
How to...

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Click the
icon next to the Workgroups or Resources text fields to open the data selector.
- Make your selections in the data selector and click Save Selections.

To remove a workgroup or resource from the display:
- If needed, use the small scroll arrows in the right side of the text field to display the appropriate resource or workgroup.
- Double-click the resource or workgroup name in the text field.
To use the data selector to remove a resource or workgroup:

Service calls may not have a scheduled resource if they do not have tasks or tickets associated with them, or if they contain tickets assigned to a queue only.
Service calls that do not have a scheduled resource do not appear in the schedule by default.
- To display service calls without scheduled resources, click to select the Show Calls w/ No Scheduled Resource check box in the menu bar.

By default, canceled service calls do not appear on the Dispatch Calendar. To display them, check Show Canceled Calls.
Canceled service calls will have the name of the canceled status appended to the beginning of the description. The background color will be a darker yellow than open service calls, and the text will appear in gray.
A canceled service call will not prevent you from scheduling another service call for the same time slot.
NOTE Canceled service calls cannot be dragged and dropped.