Estimates and remaining hours
One of the challenges of project management is the calculation of the remaining effort necessary to complete the project.
At the beginning, it looks straightforward: you enter the estimated hours for each task, assign resources, and factor in capacity and workload. But as soon as your resources start to work on tasks, discrepancies appear between the original estimate and the actual hours worked, and the original estimate and the revised estimate. Before you know it, your estimates could be off by a significant amount.
Once work on a task has begun, the best available estimate is not necessarily the original one, but the one in the heads of the resources working on a task. Because they have the greatest visibility of the remaining hours on a task, they are able to modify the Remaining Hours field on the Task Time Entry page.
Manually changing the Remaining Hours field and tracking Actual Hours that are greater or smaller than the Estimated Hours trigger changes that are tracked in a calculated field named Projected Variance From Estimated Hours. This topic illustrates how time entries and changes to Remaining Hours factor into the Projected Variance From Estimated Hours balance at the task and project level.
NOTE It is recommended that you do not adjust Estimated Hours once a Task has been completed.
Additional resources
For the impact of remaining and estimated hours on service calls, refer to Use Hours to be Scheduled when working with service calls.