Managing time off policies

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Resources/Users (HR). Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Organization Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users (HR) > Time Off Policies
How to...

The Time Off Policies page lists all policies your administrator has created. Active and default policies are indicated by check marks.
To manage existing policies, hover on the context menu and select:
- Edit to open the Edit Policy page
- Copy to make a copy of the policy (associated Resources are not copied)
- Delete to delete a policy.
For details on list menu options, refer to Managing lists and tables.
NOTE Policies that have associated resources cannot be deleted. You can disassociate all resources from a policy to be able to delete it, but all records that tie a resource to this policy will be deleted, as well, and the policy will disappear from the resources' policy assignment history page.
NOTE Best Practice: Deactivate time off policies that are no longer in use.

Time off will not be automatically calculated for resources that start mid-year. You must use the Additional Time fields on the HR tab to assign time off for resources who start after January 01.