Adding expense report approvers

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Resources/Users (HR). Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Organization Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users (HR) > Expense Report Approvers
To allow for maximum flexibility, Autotask allows you to set up expense report approvers separate from the corporate hierarchy. Any resource can be designated an approver for any other resource.
On this page, resources can be designated as expense report approvers for multiple resources at once. On the resource setup page, they can be selected as an expense report approver for an individual resource. Refer to Complete the Approvers tab.
NOTE Expense report data has an additional layer of security. If your role in the organization requires you to run reports or export expense report data for all resources, you'll need to be a expense report approver for every resource.
Expense reports require only one level of approval. You can, however, set up multiple approvers for a resource. When a resource submits an expense report, all expense report approvers specified for the resource receive an email notification and the submitted expense report appears for all approvers in Timesheets > Items Waiting Approval > Expense Reports. When one approver approves the report, it is removed from this page for all approvers.
NOTE The Daily Alerts feature will let you know if there are resources who do not have an expense report approver. Refer to Monitoring daily alerts.
How to...

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- All resources who have been selected as expense report approvers are listed alphabetically by last name. The Resource column indicates the total number of resources (including inactive resources) they currently are an approver for. Click New Expense Report Approver to open the Expense Approver page.
- Under Expense Approver, select the resource from the list of active Autotask resources. Click the selector icon
to filter the list of available resources.
Under Resources for Approver, select the resources whose expense reports this approver will approve. Click the selector icon
to filter the list of available resources.
Click Save & Close to return to the table or Save & New to add another approver.
The Expense Report Approver will be notified via email whenever a resource in his or her approval list submits an expense report. The Approver can find all Expense Reports awaiting his or her approval in My > Waiting My Approval > Expense Reports.

- To edit an approver, open the context menu
or right-click on the line and select Edit.
- Under Resources for Approver, select additional resources whose expense reports this approver will approve. Click the selector icon
to filter the list of available resources.
- To remove a resource from the list, click the delete icon
next to their name to remove it from the list.
- Click Save & Close to return to the table or Save & New to add another approver.

To remove a resource from the expense approver list, open the context menu or right-click on the line and select Delete.