Adding timesheet approvers

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Resources/Users (HR). Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Organization Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users (HR) > Timesheet Approvers
Managing timesheet approvers
Timesheet approvers are Autotask users with the authority to approve or reject timesheets and time off requests. If proxy time entry is enabled, timesheet approvers can also add or edit time entries on someone else's behalf.

By default, users can add, edit, and delete only their own time entries. Your Autotask administrator can enable timesheet approvers, or both timesheet approvers and administrators, to enter time and submit time off requests on other users' behalf. For users who have proxy time entry permission, the Proxy Time Entry section and the Resource selector field will appear on all time entry pages, so they can create a time entry for another user. They can also view users' unsubmitted timesheets.
Proxy time entry is enabled through a system setting. Refer to Proxy time entry.
IMPORTANT To enter time, approvers must have permission to view the tasks and tickets in question.
Each resource must have at least one timesheet approver. You can use multiple levels of timesheet approval if your company requires approval by more than one resource, for example, by a supervisor (level 1), the department head (level 2), and finally a payroll manager (level 3). Typically, the direct supervisor or department head will approve timesheets and time off requests; however, for maximum flexibility, in Autotask timesheet approvers can be separate from your company hierarchy.
NOTE Whenever a user updates their skills profile, their timesheet approver will receive a notification.
How to . . .

All timesheet approvers are listed alphabetically by last name. The Resources column indicates the total number of resources (including inactive resources) they currently approve, regardless of the approval level.
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Click New Timesheet Approver to open the dialog page.
- Type in the name of the new approver in the Approver field, or click the selector icon to search for the resource from a list of active resources.
- In the Resources field, select the resources that the new approver will approve timesheets for as a Level 1 approver. Type in the resources' names, or click the selector icon to search for multiple resources from a list of active resources. In the selector, select the check box for each resource and click Save & Close when done. All resources are added at Level 1 approval.
- When the list is complete, click Save & Close or Save & New. The Approver resource will be added to the list, and the selected resources will be added at the Level 1 approval.
- To add resources for Level 2 or Level 3 approval, edit the new Approver's record and add resources through the Edit Approver page.

NOTE Before you modify a resources approver level (e.g., change from level 1 to level 2), make sure that the resource has no pending items awaiting their approval.
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- To add resources for approval or change their approval level, hover over the context menu
and select Edit. The Edit Approver page opens.
- Click Add resources to open the Add resources page. In the Resources field, select all the resources that the new approver will approve timesheets for at the same level. Type in the resource names in the Resources field, or click the selector icon
to search for resources from a list of active resources. You can select additional resources, or resources already on the approver's list.
- Once the list is complete, select the level at which the group should be approved.
- Repeat the previous step to add additional resources at another level.
- Click X to close the page when you are done adding or removing resources.

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- To remove resources from an approver's list, hover over the context menu
and select Edit.
- Find the resource to be removed and click the delete icon
next to their name. Click Yes on the confirmation message.
- Click X to close the page when you are done adding or removing resources.

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- To remove an approver from the Time Sheet Approvers list, hover over the context menu
and select Delete.
- Click Yes on the confirmation message.