Adding or editing email message templates for invoices or quotes

For invoice email message templates:
SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Finance, Accounting, & Invoicing. Refer to Admin security settings.
SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Contracts & Un-Posting. Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Finance, Accounting & Invoicing > Invoices > Invoice Email Messages
NAVIGATION Contracts > Tools / Setup > Invoice Email Messages
For quote email message templates
SECURITY Security Level that includes access to CRM and permission to manage Quote Templates and Quote Email Messages
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > CRM > Tools/Setup > Quote Email Messages
When you email an invoice to a customer from Autotask or you publish a quote to a customer, Autotask automatically produces an email message to accompany the invoice or quote. Email message templates control the content of those messages.
How to...

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Click New Email Message to create a new email or,
Locate a template you want to edit, hover over the context menu, and select Edit.
- Complete the Email Message as described in the following table.
Field or Check Box | Description |
General Information | |
Name | Enter a descriptive name. The name will appear in the Email Message page list and in the Email Message menu on the Invoice or Quote Settings pages. |
Description | Enter a description that will help other users know how and when to use this template. |
Active | Click to select or clear the check box. For Autotask default templates, the check box is selected and cannot be cleared. |
Attach quote as PDF (Quote Email Messages only) | Select the check box if you want to automatically attach a PDF copy of the quote to the message. This check box appears only on the Quote Email Message templates; Invoice email messages automatically include a PDF copy of the invoice. |
Email Message | |
Send From, First Name Send From, Last Name |
Optional. If you leave these fields blank, the message will display, as the sender, the first and last name of the user who publishes the associated invoice or quote. If you want to display a different sender, enter that person's first and last names. |
Send From - Email | Optional. If you leave this field blank, the message will be sent from your Support Email Address. Refer to Configuring a support email address default. |
CC and BCC |
To send a copy or blind copy of the message and associated invoice or quote to additional email addresses, enter those addresses in the CC or BCC fields. Separate multiple addresses with a semi-colon (;). NOTE You are also able to set Cc: and Bcc: options at the organization level on the organization's Invoice Settings or Quote Settings pages. Autotask combines recipient settings from both the Settings page and the Email Message Template page and then removes duplicates. Refer to The Invoice settings tab and page or The Quote Settings tab and page. |
BCC Account Manager | Select this check box to send a copy of the message to the manager of the account associated with the invoice or quote. The account manager information will not appear on the message. Note that the setting on the invoice template will override your manual selection. You must make sure that the setting is correct on the template. |
Email Subject | Enter the text that will appear in the Subject line of the message. To enter a variable into the Subject line, click the Insert Variable icon to open the Variables dialog. |
Email Format | Select HTML or Plain text as the format for your message. If you are not sure which option to choose, refer to Email format options: HTML or plain text. |
Email Body - HTML | Enter the text of your email in the content area and insert the organization or invoice variables you require into the body of the message. Refer to The HTML editor. |
Send Test Email to | To send the email to yourself to see how it will look, enter your email address and click Send Test Email. Note that the variable names will display in the test email, not the actual data. |
Send Test Email |
IMPORTANT When you click this button, the email message is saved in its current state, and will be the saved version even if you click Cancel afterwards. |
- Click Save & Close.
NOTE Best Practice: Edit the text of the Autotask Default invoice and quote email messages so they are suitable for the bulk of your customers; or, create a new invoice or quote email message and assign it as the default message. The template you set as default will be automatically applied to all customers, but you can add additional templates and specify a different email for any customers that require a special message. You specify the email message template to use for an organization's invoices and quotes on the organization's Invoice Settings and Quote Settings pages.
NOTE To set a message template as the system default, return to the Invoice Email Messages or Quote Email Messages page. Hover over the context menu for the template you want to set as default. Click Set as Default. Since there can be only one default template, when you set the new default it will automatically override any previous default setting. For information on accessing the Email Messages pages, refer to Managing invoice email messages or Managing quote email messages.
NOTE Date variables in the invoice email will not respect the internal location date format. Instead, they are displayed using the unambiguous dd-mmm-yyyy format.

The following Invoice Template, Quote Template, and Invoice Email Message variables will display in the customer currency:
Invoice templates
- [Invoice: Adjusted Billable Amount]
- [Invoice: Total Billable Amount before Adjustments]
- [Invoice: Grand Total Before Tax]
- [Invoice: Tax]
- [Invoice: Tax Detail]
- [Invoice: Grand Total]
- [Invoice: Totals]
- [Invoice: Block Hour Contract Balance]
- [Invoice: Retainer Contract Balance]
- [Invoice: Per-Ticket Contract Balance]
Invoice Body Table- Description Column:
- [Billing Item: Billable Amount]
- [Billing Item: Rate/Unit Price]
- [Billing Item: Tax Rate]
- [Billing Item: Tax Amount]
- [Billing Item: Billable Amount + Tax Amount]
- [Billing Item: Amount Deducted from Retainer]
- [Billing Item: Amount Deducted from Retainer (including tax)]
- [Billing Item: Tax Deducted from Retainer]
- [Billing Item: Adjusted Amount]
- [Invoice: Adjusted Billable Amount]
- [Invoice: Total Billable Amount before Adjustments]
- [Invoice: Grand Total Before Tax]
- [Invoice: Tax]
- [Invoice: Tax Detail]
- [Invoice: Grand Total]
- [Invoice: Block Hour Contract Balance]
- [Invoice: Retainer Contract Balance]
- [Invoice: Per-Ticket Contract Balance]
- [Charge: Unit Price]
- [Charge: Billable Amount]
- [Expense: Billable Amount]
- [Subscription: Period Price]
- [Subscription: Total Price]
- [Service/Bundle: Unit Price]
- [Service/Bundle: Billable Amount]
- [Milestone: Amount]
Invoice email messages
- [Grand Total]
Quote templates
- [Quote: Tax Detail]
- [Quote: Tax]
- [Quote: Grand Total]
Quote Body Table- Item Column:
- [Quote Item: Unit Price]
- [Quote Item: Extended Price]
- [Quote Item: Unit Discount]
- [Quote Item: Line Discount]
All other currency variables will be displayed in the internal currency, and will be pulled from, or calculated from, the saved internal currency values of all relevant items.