Additional reporting fields for multiple currencies
Existing LiveReports show financial data in your internal currency. Revenue numbers for customers and cost numbers for vendors that are associated with a different currency are calculated using the current exchange rate saved in your Autotask instance.
We have added fields to a number of report categories that display financial data in the customer, vendor or reimbursement currency. These fields can be added to new and existing LiveReports.
NOTE The fields will be displayed in single-currency mode, as well, but of course, there will be nothing to report.
New fields are available for the following Autotask entities:

- Currency
- Currency Display Symbol
- Currency Exchange Rate (Current)

- Amount Due to Resource - Reimbursement Currency
- Cash Advance Amount - Reimbursement Currency
- Reimbursement Currency
- Reimbursement Currency Display Symbol
- Reimbursement Currency Exchange Rate (Current)
- Total Reimbursement Amount
- Total Reimbursement Amount - Reimbursement Currency

- Organization Payments
- Organization Payments - Expense Currency
- Expense Amount - Expense Currency
- Expense Currency
- Expense Currency Display Symbol
- Expense Currency Exchange Rate (Current)
- To Be Reimbursed Amount
- To Be Reimbursed Amount - Reimbursement Currency

- Amount Deducted from Retainer - Customer Currency
- Billed Amount - Customer Currency
- Billed Rate - Customer Currency
- Gross Amount - Customer Currency
- Retainer Overage Amount - Customer Currency
- Tax Amount - Customer Currency
- Tax Deducted from Retainer - Customer Currency

- Billable Amount - Customer Currency
- Billable Rate - Customer Currency
- Gross Amount - Customer Currency

- Amount Deducted from Retainer - Customer Currency
- Billed Amount - Customer Currency
- Billed Rate - Customer Currency
- Gross Amount - Customer Currency
- Retainer Overage Amount - Customer Currency
- Tax Amount - Customer Currency
- Tax Deducted From Retainer - Customer Currency

- Adjusted Unit Price - Customer Currency
- Extended Price - Customer Currency
- Line Discount - Customer Currency
- Unit Discount - Customer Currency
- Unit Price - Customer Currency

- Billed Amount - Customer Currency
- Gross Amount - Customer Currency
- Tax Amount - Customer Currency
- Unit Price - Customer Currency

- Gross Amount - Customer Currency
- Revenue - Customer Currency

- Price - Customer Currency

- Block Rate - Customer Currency
- Units Remaining (Retainer) - Customer Currency
- Units Used (Retainer) - Customer Currency
- Units (Retainer) - Customer Currency

- Billable Amount - Customer Currency
- Unit Price - Customer Currency

- Block Overage Billing Rate - Customer Currency
- Retainer Balance - Customer Currency
- Retainer Current Active Balance - Customer Currency
- Retainer Current Active Purchase Amount - Customer Currency
- Retainer Purchase Amount - Customer Currency
- Setup Fee - Customer Currency

- Current Price - Customer Currency
- Current Unit Price - Customer Currency

- Milestone Amount - Customer Currency

- Total Price - Customer Currency

- Default Vendor Cost - Vendor Currency
NOTE Since product per-vendor cost values will only be stored in the vendor's currency, this value will be calculated at the time the report is run using the current exchange rate.