How we determine what entity to create
Autotask checks the email Subject line and the email indicators on the first line of the Body text to determine what entity to convert the email to.
- We first check the email Subject line. If the subject contains a ticket, project, or task number, the email will be converted to an item linked to those entities. If it does not, it is always converted into a ticket.
- After that, the first line in the email Body is parsed. If it contains any email indicators, a time entry, status update, or role update could be the result. Refer to Managing time entries, role, status, and change approval status via email indicators.
NOTE To protect potentially sensitive data, incoming email processing does not create a ticket or any other entity from incoming email marked as private.

Your organization's resources and technicians can add email indicators to emails directed to the Incoming Email Processing mailboxes to track task or ticket time, change the role rate for the time entry, update the task or ticket status, and change the approval status of a Change Request ticket.
You can include the following indicators in the first line of the email body to tell Autotask what action to take.
- #T= tells Autotask to add the email text as a time entry rather than a note.
- #R=, when used with #T=, changes the role rate to the one specified after the indicator (for ticket and task time entries).
- #S=, when used with #T=, changes the status of the ticket or task to the one specified after the indicator.
NOTE A role change (#R=) or status change (#S=) must accompany a time entry, otherwise the specified role or status will be added as text in a note.
Multiple email indicators must be separated by a space. Make sure the status or role you are entering exists in your Autotask instance.
IMPORTANT Do not put any other text in the first line of the email body. Additional information must be entered on the line below the email indicators, as shown the example above. When adding additional information, be aware that incoming email processing will not process more than 8000 characters (including header) for ticket or task time entries; ticket, task, or project notes; or tickets. Change Review Notes will be truncated after 2000 characters.
EXAMPLE The email example below will create a 30-minute time entry (#T=.5) on the ticket using the after-hours role rate (#R=After Hours Support), and complete the ticket (#S=Complete). The technician's comments are entered on the line below the email indicators:
#T=.5 #S=Complete #R=After Hours Support
Customer appreciated quick, temporary resolution; ticket closed. Site visit necessary to avoid re-occurrence.
NOTE Currently, you cannot set the Work Type on a time entry created via incoming email processing. If your local organization uses Work Types to adjust a role's billing rate on time entries, in order to use the same billing rates when adding time via email processing, you must add additional roles to Autotask that bill at the adjusted rate. You can then set the correct role (#R) when adding the time entry.
To change the approval status of a change request ticket, the following two conditions must be met:
- The first word of the first line of the email body must be Approve, Approved, Reject or Rejected
- The words "Change Request" and the ticket number must appear in the Subject line of the email
EXAMPLE Change Request T20210430.0001

The following project and task items can be created:

The following ticket items can be created:
NOTE Also review the following article: FAQs.