Setting up Kaseya Device Discovery

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Remote Monitoring / Management Extensions
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Extensions & Integrations > Remote Monitoring / Management Extensions > Kaseya
To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above. The Device Discovery adapter has three tabs, Device Discovery, Options, and Notifications.
IMPORTANT After making changes on any of the tabs, you must click the Save button at the top of the page before you launch Device Discovery.
Device Discovery tab
On the Device Discovery tab of the adapter, you configure the Adapter Web Services, set a schedule for Device Discovery (or launch manually if preferred), specify Advanced Configuration Options, and, if needed, reset the date of your last Discovery.

Field Name | Description |
Kaseya Version | Select your current Kaseya version or, if your version is greater than 7.x, select 7.x / Kaseya 2. NOTE In order to use Kaseya Service Desk, you must use Kaseya v 6.x or later . |
Active check box | Active by default. To inactivate device discovery, clear the check box. When device discovery is inactive, scheduled device discovery does not run, and you cannot launch device discovery manually, but the Device Discovery Wizard is active and available to process previously discovered devices. NOTE When you re-activate Device Discovery, if an automatic schedule has been set, Device Discovery launches again at the next scheduled date/time. |
Launch | You can launch device discovery manually at any time even if device discovery is also set to run on an automatic schedule. Manual launches function identically to automatic execution, including notification. |
Check for new and updated devices every... |
Device discovery can run automatically on a pre-set schedule that you configure through the Device Discovery tab of the [Monitoring Service Name] extension Device Discovery adapter. The tab also displays the date and time of the last device discovery and, if Device Discovery is scheduled to run in the future, the display includes the date and time of the next scheduled Discovery.
NOTE Currently, there is no way to schedule device discovery to run automatically at different times on different days. |
Reset Last Discovery Date to: | Use with the Reset button to reset the last discovery date to the date specified in this field. Refer to "Reset" in the next row. |
Reset | This button, when clicked, resets the Last Discovery date to the selected date. If, after you run Device Discovery, you find that there is a problem with the settings, this button will override all previously made discoveries. This allows you to redo your discoveries and re-detect all devices. If you do not reset, device discovery will not detect any devices that were already detected in a previous discovery. |
Clear Batches | Click to clear all previously discovered batches. |
Adapter Web Services |
The URL field of the Adapter Web Services is pre-populated with the following URL: https://[Kaseya Server Domain]/api/v1.0.
NOTE Kaseya is transitioning from password authentication to requiring a token. Refer to |
Advanced Configuration Options | Refer to Setting Advanced Configuration Options, below. |

The advanced configuration options allow you to customize the Device Discovery Wizard to further automate organization and device mapping.
Select the check box next to the option you want to enable. Alternately, if the option is enabled, click the check box to disable it.
NOTE One or more advanced options may not be available for your monitoring service software. If an option is not available, the text box and accompanying text for that option display in gray.
Action | Result when checked | Result when unchecked |
Automatically create organizations using... |
The Device Discovery Wizard compares all customers or sites in the device discovery batch to existing Autotask Organizations. A match occurs when the customer or site name is identical to the organization name. NOTE Recommended: Uncheck, because often the legal name of a customer is different from the name in the RMM application. |
If the Device Discovery Wizard cannot match a monitoring service customer or site to an existing Autotask Organization in Step 1, the Device Discovery Wizard does not automatically create an organization. You must manually create an organization that the Device Discovery Wizard can map the customer or site to when you finish the Device Discovery Wizard. For additional information, refer to Step 1: Mapping monitoring service customers to Autotask organizations.
NOTE You are not required to have a matching Autotask Organization for all customers or sites; however, if you do not provide a match for a customer/site, the devices for that customer/site will not appear in the remaining steps of the wizard. In order to have devices to reconcile in the remaining steps of the Wizard, at least one customer/site from the batch must be previously mapped to an Autotask Organization or have a matching Organization for the Device Discovery Wizard to map to. |
Automatically create products using... |
The Device Discovery Wizard compares the device (or machine) ID of detected devices to the [Managed Services Provider] Device ID UDF for all existing Devices and looks for an exact match. A match occurs if the device (or machine) ID is identical to the information in a Device's Device ID UDF. If the Device Discovery Wizard cannot match a discovered device to an existing Autotask Device in Step 2, it looks for a matching Autotask product in Step 3 on which to base a new Device. A match occurs if the device model name or device class name is identical to a product name. When you select this option, if no match is found, the Device Discovery Wizard sets the default for the Product field in Step 3 to [Auto-Create]. When you complete the Device Discovery Wizard, it automatically creates an Autotask product, bases a new Device on the newly created product, and maps the device to the new Device. You can override [Auto-Create] and manually create a product for the Device Discovery Wizard to use as a basis for the new Device. |
If the Device Discovery Wizard cannot match a device to an existing Autotask Device, Autotask will not automatically create a product in Step 3. You can either use the Product Selector to manually select a product or click the New button inside the Product Selector to create a new product. note: In Step 3, the Product field is required. If you have not enabled this option, you must manually create a product for each Product field that is incomplete or select an existing product. |
Hide updates to Devices in the Device Discovery Wizard |
All updates are hidden in the Device Discovery Wizard. They do not appear in the display and are not included in the Step 4 summary list of actions performed. If a batch contains only updates, and you have chosen to hide updates, a message appears when you open the batch for processing. The message indicates that the batch contains only updates and does not require processing. NOTE Recommended: Hide Updates because no action is taken anyway. Organizations and devices must be updated manually in Autotask. |
Updates appear in the Device Discovery Wizard. They are listed in the display but do not require any action. They are grayed out in Step 2; they do not appear in step 3. They re-appear in the Step 4 summary list of actions performed as normal (not grayed out) lines with the Device action 'None'. |
Default warranty expiration date to a specified number of days after install date |
You must specify a number of days in the field following the check box. All discovered devices that appear in Step 3 of the Device Discovery Wizard, that is, that have been accepted but are not mapped to a Device, will have a default warranty expiration date that is equal to the install date plus the specified number of days. This default expiration date can be manually overridden for individual devices in step 3. |
The warranty expiration date for all products that appear in Step 3 defaults to null. You can enter a date in the field or leave it as null. |
Do not generate e-mail notifications unless new or updated devices are detected | Autotask Device Discovery will not generate email notifications unless new or updated devices are detected. | If the box is not checked, Autotask Device Discovery will send notifications every time device discovery executes, even if no new devices are found. |

The Options tab allows you to enable round-trip ticket closure. When enabled, the Round-trip Ticket Closure feature automatically clears Kaseya tickets when their corresponding Autotask ticket is set to complete.
- In the Options tab, click to select the check box and enable round-trip ticket closure.
If enabled, Round-trip Ticket Closure attempts to complete the Kaseya ticket id identified by the value in the “Kaseya Ticket ID” User-Defined Field for the corresponding Autotask ticket. If the User-Defined Field value is not present, this feature will be ignored.
Monitoring Kaseya Round-trip Ticket Closure
To allow you to monitor the Round-trip Ticket Closure (RTTC) process, Autotask adds a workflow note to the Autotask ticket that indicates whether the RTTC request was completed successfully.
NOTE RTTC notes are workflow notes. They appear on the ticket under Time Entries, Notes, and Attachments only when a check mark appears in the Workflow Notes check box.
- The note Title will read "Kaseya Extension Round-Trip Ticket Synchronization:" followed by "Success" or "Failure".
- The Description specifies "Update Ticket", followed by the Kaseya Ticket ID.
- Return Code: is followed by the code, and appears below the Update Ticket information.
- When the Return Code = Failure, the reason for failure is displayed.
- The Date indicates the date and time that the round-trip closure request was processed. Workflow notes cannot be edited or deleted. The resource for all round-trip closure notes is Admin, Autotask.

On the Notifications tab, select the resources to receive e-mail notifications related to Kaseya. This includes device discovery notifications and integration error notifications.