Populating the Organization import template

SECURITY Security level based on Administrator license type
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Organizations & Contacts > Utilities > Organization Import > click Import
NAVIGATION To export and update existing organization records, go to Left Navigation Menu > CRM > Search > Organizations > button bar > Export > In Import Template Format.
BEFORE YOU BEGIN Please review the general instructions for importing and updating data in Autotask in this topic: Importing or updating data.
Use this template to import organizations into Autotask.
NOTE If you see a check mark in the Must be looked up in Autotask instance? column, it means that, in the Autotask user interface, a value is selected from a list. You may use selections that are currently inactive, but they must exist. Navigate to the page shown in the Description column and look up the valid options.
*= required field
Field | Must be looked up in Autotask instance? | Description |
Organization ID (updates only) | This field is only present in the Export in Import Template Format export. | |
Name* | An organization name is required. |
Number | You can enter an organization number with up to 50 alphanumeric characters, used to reference external applications such as accounting software. IMPORTANT Your local organization is identified by organization ID 0 (zero) and may also have the organization Number 0 (zero). Do not import a record with the organization number zero. |
Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code | Enter address information. | |
Country | Yes | Enter the Display Name of a country listed on Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Organizations & Contacts > Countries. |
Additional Address Information | Additional field that can be displayed with the address. If you need to display a Tax ID or other information on customer-facing documents, enter it here. | |
Phone* | Required for organization imports. Enter the organization's telephone number. | |
Alternate Phone 1 | Enter an additional telephone number. | |
Alternate Phone 2 | If available, enter an additional telephone number. | |
Fax | Enter a fax number. | |
Web | This URL becomes a link to launch the organization's web site from inside Autotask. | |
Round-Trip Distance | Enter the round-trip distance between your internal location and the customer's location. Saving the distance in the organization record lets you quickly add a charge to a ticket or project to bill for travel. Refer to Service Desk system settings and Adding or editing a ticket charge or Adding or editing a project charge. |
Organization Type | Yes | A categorization that describes the relationship between you and the organization. Organization types include Customer, Lead, Prospect, Dead, Cancelation, Vendor, Partner. If you leave this field empty, the organization type defaults to the one set in the selected organization category. Learn more about organization types in Overview of organizations. |
Organization Category |
Yes |
This column is optional. If no value is entered, the organizations are imported using the default organization category. Learn more about organization categories in Managing categories. |
Classification | Yes | Enter the name of a classification icon found on the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Organizations & Contacts > Classification Icons page. Learn more about Classifications in Classification icons. |
Account Manager (this refers to the account manager for this organization) | Yes | Enter an Account Manager in Lastname, Firstname format from the list of Resources in your Autotask instance (Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Organization Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users (HR)). The Account Manager is the person in your organization who takes ownership and overall responsibility for the organization relationship. Organizations where you are the account manager or a team member can be found under My > CRM > Organizations. Also, you security level may be configured to give you additional permissions for Mine organizations. If you leave this field blank, the field defaults to the name of the resource performing the import. |
Territory, Market Segment, Competitor | Yes | These fields can be found here: Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Organizations & Contacts. They provide criteria for both searching and reporting and have been customized by your Administrator. For more information, refer to Territories, Market segments and Competitors. |
Parent Organization | Yes | If the new organization will be the sub-organization of an existing organization, enter the parent organization Name. Sub-organizations of another organization cannot be selected as a parent organization. To learn more about parent organizations and sub-organizations, refer to Overview of organizations. |
Facebook URL, Twitter URL, LinkedIn URL | Enter the organization's links to social media sites. | |
Stock Symbol, Stock Market, SIC Code | Enter the organization's stock symbol, stock market, and SIC code, if available. | |
Asset Value | Enter the device value of the organization in text format. | |
Organization Alert, New Ticket Alert, Ticket Alert | Enter alert messages that will appear on the Organization, New Ticket, and Ticket pages of the selected organization. For specifics on alerts, refer to The Organization and Contact Alerts tabs. | |
Currency (available if Multi-currency is enabled) | Yes | Enter the three-letter name of a currency. If no country is provided or the country provided has no currency selected, the internal currency will be used. If the column is left blank when you update existing organizations, it will not cause the currency of the organization to be changed. |
Tax Region | Yes | Enter the tax jurisdiction whose tax rules will apply to this organization. The list of valid tax regions can be found here: Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Finance, Accounting & Invoicing > Tax Regions & Categories. Tax Regions must already be set up in your Autotask instance. Refer to Configuring your tax table. |
Tax- Exempt |
Enter Yes or No.
Tax ID | Enter the tax identification (ABN, ACN, VAT...) number for this organization. | |
Invoice Template | Yes |
The invoice template determines the appearance of all invoices published to this organization.
Invoice templates you can select are found on the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Finance, Accounting & Invoicing > Invoice Templates page. |
Invoice Email Message |
Yes |
When you send an invoice to a customer, Autotask automatically produces an email message to accompany the invoice. Email message templates control the content of those messages. If you leave this field blank, the default Invoice Email Message will be used. If you want to assign a different email message, enter the message name here. Invoice email messages you can select are found on the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Features & Settings > Finance, Accounting, & Invoicing > Invoice Email Messages page. |
Contact Invoice Recipient (single value) |
Yes |
The contact recipient is the customer contact to whom the invoice is emailed. Select or enter the customer contacts to whom you would like to send the invoice email when invoices are processed.
Resource Invoice Recipient (single value) |
Yes |
The resource recipient is the internal user to whom the invoice is emailed. Select or enter the user name to whom you would like to send the invoice email when invoices are processed
Quote Template | Yes | The quote template determines the appearance of all quotes published to this organization. If left blank, it defaults to the template associated with the organization's country or the global default template, if there is no country default. If you want to assign a different template, enter the template name here. Quote templates you can select are found on the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & Opportunities > Quote Templates page. |
Quote Email Message | Yes | When you publish a quote to a customer, Autotask automatically produces an email message to accompany the quote. Email message templates control the content of those messages. If you leave this field blank, the default Quote Email Message will be used. If you want to assign a different email message, enter the message name here. Quote email messages you can select are found on the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & Opportunities > Quote Email Messages page. |
Active/ Inactive | When you import new items, enter the word Active to activate andInactive to inactivate. Leaving the column blank will also activate. When you update existing items when importing, enter the word Active to activate, Inactive to inactivate, and leave the column blank to do nothing (the current Active/Inactive status will not change). If the column contains any text other than Active or Inactive, the import will fail. Refer to Lookup Fields in the table Importing new records or updating existing records. |
Enable Invoice Emailing |
Enter yes to enable invoice emailing, no to turn it off. Leaving the field blank will mean invoice emailing is turned off. When updating existing records, the current value is retained if the field is left blank. If no email message template is supplied, the system default template will be used. |
Email Invoices to Account Manager |
Enter yes to send a copy of the email to the account manager, no to turn it off. Leaving the field blank will mean the feature is turned off. If no email message template is supplied, the system default template will be used. |
QuickBooks Transmission Method (if QuickBooks integration is enabled) |
Accepts the following inputs:
Organization and Site Configuration User-Defined Fields | UDFs are custom fields you can add to your Autotask instance that allow you to capture organization information that is unique to your business. The information is then available for searching and reporting. To learn more about how to set up and use UDFs, refer to Managing user-defined fields and Converting Organization UDFs to Site Configuration UDFs. NOTE UDFs can be required, too, and your import will fail if you do not populate a required UDF! |
To find out how to reverse an import, refer to Rolling back an import.