Populating the Opportunities import template

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission for Sales & Opportunities.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & Opportunities > Utilities > Opportunity Import > click Import
BEFORE YOU BEGIN Please review the general instructions for importing and updating data in Autotask in this topic: Importing or updating data.
Use the Opportunity Import Template to import or update opportunities. The following table provides details on how to populate the import file.
NOTE If you see a check mark in the Must be looked up in Autotask instance? column, it means that, in the Autotask user interface, a value is selected from a list. You may use selections that are currently inactive, but they must exist. Navigate to the page shown in the Description column and look up the valid options.
Field | Must be looked up in Autotask instance? | Description |
External (Legacy) Opportunity ID | Can be updated if a valid Autotask Opportunity ID is provided. | |
Opportunity ID [updates only] | Yes | Must match an existing Opportunity ID. When determining matches during imports, the Opportunity ID field will trump all other matches. This means that if a match is found on the Opportunity ID, that row is automatically considered a match for that record even if other fields do not match. If any value is supplied for this column, the row is considered an attempted update row. A row containing a value for Opportunity ID [updates only] will never create a new record. Whether or not the update is performed will still be determined by the setting you choose from the If a match is found radio buttons when configuring the import. |
Opportunity Name (required) | Enter a unique name for the opportunity. | |
Opportunity Description |
Enter a more detailed description of the opportunity, up to 8,000 characters. |
Organization (required) | Yes | The organization can be inactive. |
Contact | Contact must be associated with the specified organization or its parent organization. | |
Opportunity Owner (required) | Yes | Enter an opportunity owner in Lastname, Firstname format from the list of Resources in your Autotask instance Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Organization Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users. |
Created by Resource |
Yes |
Enter a resource from the list of Resources in your Autotask instance Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Organization Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users. |
Opportunity Category |
Yes |
Enter a category configured in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & Opportunities > Opportunity Categories. |
Stage (required) | Yes | Enter the name of a stage configured in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & Opportunities > Opportunity Stages. |
Lead Source | Yes | Enter the name of a lead source configured in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & Opportunities > Lead Sources. |
Status (required) | Yes | Must be one of the following: Active, Not Ready to Buy, Lost, Closed, Implemented. |
Primary Competitor | Yes | Enter the name of an active competitor configured in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Organizations & Contacts > Competitors |
Start Date (required) | Must be a valid date. This field can be updated. | |
Projected Close Date (required) | Must be a valid date greater than the Create Date. | |
Closed Date | If no Closed Date is specified and the opportunity is closed, the Projected Close Date is used. If a Closed Date is provided for an opportunity whose status is not Closed, we will not import the Closed Date. |
Probability | Must be a number between 0 and 100. | |
Rating | Must be one of the following values: Hot, Warm, Cold. | |
Primary Product | Yes | Enter the name of a product configured in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Products, Services, & Inventory > Products |
Promotion Name | Enter the name of the marketing event that generated the opportunity. | |
Division > Line of Business | This column is available only if Organizational Structure is enabled. Enter the Division > Line of Business. | |
Use Revenue/Cost of Quote Items | Enter Yes or No. If you enter Yes, the values in the Revenue and Cost fields will not be imported. |
One-Time (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual, Yearly) Revenue | Revenue must be between -9,999,999,999,999.00 and 99,999,999,999,999.00 | |
Calculate Totals for # Months | Enter the number of months that will be used to calculate the Total Revenue Amount, Total Cost, and Gross Profit. Defaults to 1. | |
One-Time (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual, Yearly) Cost | Cost must be between -9,999,999,999,999.00 and 99,999,999,999,999.00 | |
Spread Revenue Recognition Over # | Must be a value between -999 and 9999. If a value is provided for Spread Revenue Recognition Over # but not for Spread Revenue Recognition Over Unit (or vice versa), the provided value will not be imported. |
Spread Revenue Recognition Over Unit | Must be Days, Months, or Years. If a value is provided for Spread Revenue Recognition Over # but not for Spread Revenue Recognition Over Unit (or vice versa), the provided value will not be imported. |
Professional Services, Training Fees, Hardware Fees, Monthly Fees, Other Fees | These fields appear with the customized label names configured in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & OpportunitiesSales Quota Metrics (Advanced Fields). | |
Promised Fulfillment Date | The Promised Fulfillment Date field could be used to indicate the beginning of the project or service. | |
End Date | The End Date could be used to track the projected end date of the project or service. | |
Market, Barriers, Help Needed, Next Step | Text fields that can be used to track information about this opportunity. | |
Win Reason * | Enter the name of an opportunity win reason configured in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & Opportunities > Lead Sources. | |
Win Reason Details * | Enter details (up to 500 characters) about why this opportunity will be (or was) won. Use with the Win Reason field to expand on the selected reason. | |
Loss Reason * | Enter the name of an opportunity loss reason configured in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Sales & Opportunities > Lead Sources. | |
Loss Reason Details * | Enter details (up to 500 characters) about why this opportunity might be (or was) lost. Use with the Loss Reason field to expand on the selected reason. | |
Opportunity UDFs |
User-defined fields for all entities that support them can be imported and exported, with one exception: UDFs of type List (Multi Select) cannot be exported or imported. Inactive list options can be imported and exported as well. Required UDFs cannot be left blank, or the import will fail. UDFs are identified as such and appear after all system field columns.To learn more about how to set up and use UDFs, refer to Managing user-defined fields |
To find out how to reverse an import, refer to Rolling back an import.