The task or ticket stopwatch
The ticket or task stopwatch tracks the amount of time you spend working on a ticket or task. It automatically starts, stops, and pauses on various ticket or task related pages, so that you can be sure of consistent and accurate time-keeping between all users.

The stopwatch is enabled on the task category or ticket category:
- Navigate to Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Service Desk (Tickets) > Ticket Categories, or Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Projects & Tasks > Task Categories.
- Locate the category for which you want to enable or hide the stopwatch, then select Edit from the context menu.
- On the category's General tab, scroll down and click to expand Other Options.
- Select or clear the Enable Stopwatch check box.
- Save the task or ticket category.
The stopwatch is enabled (or disabled) on all tasks or tickets associated with the edited category. The stopwatch appears on the New, Edit, and Detail pages, Ticket and Task Work Lists, and Time Entry pages.

- The stopwatch will automatically start when you open a task or ticket, and continue to run without interruption when you move between New, Edit, and Detail modes.
- When you click the Record
button, the stopwatch will continue to run on the time entry page.
- If the Task or Ticket page is launched from the Work List, the stopwatch inherits the time and the state (running, paused, idle) on the Work List stopwatch, unless you have modified the Task Work List Settings. Refer to Configure work list settings.
- If time entry on tasks and tickets is prohibited by a system setting, the stopwatch will appear grayed out. Refer to Allow time entry on completed tickets and Allow time entry on completed tasks.

If you accept the stopwatch time
- If the stopwatch is running when you click the Record
button, it will be running when the Enter Time page opens and it will continue the time count. If paused or idle, it will be paused or idle on the Enter Time page.
- The End Time will default to the time you click the Record button, and Start Time will default to (End Time minus the time tracked on the stopwatch). This is also true if the stopwatch was paused for a time, and might move the Start Time to account for the pause.
- If the Timesheets setting Allow users to create time entries that cross midnight is disabled, the Start Time will be 00:00:00 AM of the selected day. If it is enabled, the date of the Start Time may move to a previous day.
- If time was paused while the stopwatch was running, and the time entry crosses outside regular business hours, with a work type that requires an after-hours work type to be used, the time entry will not be saved, and you will be required to manually split the time into two time entries.
- The Round ticket time entries up to the nearest # minutes (timesheet and billing entries will be rounded) and Round project task time entries up to the nearest # minutes (timesheet and billing entries will be rounded) system settings will not affect the time that shows on the stopwatch. But the time entry's Hours Worked and to Bill fields will reflect the rounded time, which may not be the same as the stopwatch time.
EXAMPLE If the system setting specifies rounding to the next 15 minutes, and the stopwatch shows 01:38:00, the Hours Worked and to Bill fields will show 1.75 hours (1 hour and 45 minutes).
If you override the stopwatch time
- If the clock is running and you edit Start Time, End Time, Hours Worked, or Offset, the stopwatch time will reset to 00:00:00. The Start
button will be displayed, and the stopwatch will be idle.
- If you edit the Date, the stopwatch will reset to 00:00:00 (even if you just open the date selector and then close it).
- Editing the Offset field does not reset stopwatch.
- If the clock is paused and you edit Date, Start Time, End Time, or Hours Worked, the paused time will be discarded.