The Project Summary page

SECURITY Permission to view projects. Refer to Project security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Projects > Search > Projects > click Search > context menu > View Project > Summary
Projects open to the Project Summary page. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
On the main workspace, you will see the following page elements:

Button | Description |
Edit | Click to put the Summary page into Edit mode. Refer to Editing a project. |
New |
The New drop-down menu allows you to add the following project-related entities right from the Summary page:
The function is identical to the New buttons on the respective project pages. |
Tools |
From the Tools menu, you can do the following:
LiveLinks | LiveLinks are intelligent "links" from Autotask to external applications or web sites, or customized links within Autotask. Refer to LiveLinks. |

This section contains general information about the project, and is expanded by default.
Field | Description |
Organization |
Organization or Organization Name refers to the organization associated with the entity. This field is always required.
For this field, you can select a different local term. In your Autotask instance, it may be labeled Account, Business Unit, Client, Company, Customer, Organization, or Site. Refer to Selecting a currency and local terms and symbols. |
Classification |
Classifications are associated with icons that provide visual identifiers used to categorize and search for organizations. They appear with the organization name throughout Autotask. Refer to Classification icons. On the New Organization or Edit Organization pages, select a classification option from the drop-down menu. |
External Project Number |
This field is optional and can be edited. It is available on multiple entities and can provide a cross-reference to an external numbering system. |
Start Date |
Enter the first day of the date range when the entity is active or valid. It will default to today's date but can be modified. Contracts The start date of the contract becomes the billing date for all items billed under the contract. EXAMPLE If the Start Date is the 21st of the month, billing for all contract billing items will recur on the 21st. If you want your billing date to fall on the beginning or end of the month, but pro-rate services for the remainder of the current month, refer to Billing for a partial first month. NOTE If the Start Date is on a date not in the current period (for example, the start date is on the 31st and the next month only has 30 days), the last day of the month will be used for the billing event. IMPORTANT You cannot edit the Start Date for a recurring service contract once the service/bundle period has been added and the contract has been saved. Opportunities Start date is used to calculate the number of days the opportunity is in the pipeline. Projects The start date for all phases, tasks, and issues must be >= Start Date. Billing Rules The start date is the start of the first billing period and the first billing date. It also sets the schedule for all following billing dates. It must be greater than or equal to the contract start date. EXAMPLE If the start date is January 3, the next billing date will be February 3. If you enter a date of day #29, 30, or 31, and a month does not have that many days, the start date of that period will be the last day of the month. If you enter a day that is the last day of that month, we will use the last day of every month following that month. Each period's charge is created using the most recent unit count, which is established by the date entered into the Determine Units/Create Charges on: field. The count date can be the same date as the billing date, or an earlier date. If there is no unit count on the start date of the first billing period (because the day number selected to determine the unit count is greater than the day number of the start date), Autotask will do a unit count when the rule gets created to use for that first billing period. |
End Date |
Enter the last day of the date range the entity is active or valid. Contracts If the end date is not the planned last day of a billing period (you have a partial last month), the charge for the last billing period will be prorated. Opportunities Enter a projected end date for the work associated with the opportunity. The field does not affect revenue or profit forecasts. Phases When you add tasks to the phase, the phase end date adjusts to the end date of the latest task. Billing Rules No charges will be created for periods that would have started after the end date. If left blank, charge creation stops on the contract end date. If you enter a date that is later than the contract end date, a message that includes the contract end date will appear. |
Purchase Order Number
This field appears on entities that are part of the billing workflow, and is applied to labor and charges.
Refer to Working with purchase order (PO) numbers. |
Duration |
The length of the contract or project in days. This field is linked to the Start Date and End Date.
In View mode, the duration is displayed as a progress bar. |
Line of Business |
Line of Business lets you classify finances and segment data. This field is displayed when Organizational Structure (Line of Business) is activated and enabled. It is available on the following entities: Contract, Opportunity, Sales Order, Project, and Ticket. Refer to Introduction to Line of Business. If a contract is associated with a different line of business than the ticket or project, billing items always inherit the line of business from the contract, not the parent entity. Refer to Line of business inheritance rules for dependent entities. Select a pairing of Business Division > Line of Business. |
Department |
A department is an organizational entity in your company that is associated with resources and work types, and plays a role in project security. Projects: Selecting a department is optional. When a department is associated with a project, it can be used to search, filter and group project-related data. It does not restrict which resources and work types can be assigned to project tasks. |
Opportunity |
An opportunity is a potential sale you have identified. This field appears on entities that are associated with a sales opportunity. Depending on permissions, the opportunity name or a link to the opportunity is displayed. Select an opportunity or click the plus icon to add a new opportunity. You must select an organization first. All active opportunities associated with an organization are available. CRM notes and To-Dos:
CRM notes and to-dos created from the organization or contact entity can optionally reference an active opportunity for the organization. When you add a note from the Opportunity page, the Opportunity Name field is defaulted in. Contracts: If the contract is created while running the Won Opportunity or the Won Quote wizards, the opportunity is referenced here. Projects: You can associate an opportunity with the project and do the following:
Select an active opportunity, create a new opportunity, or allow the opportunity to be automatically created. If the opportunity is created automatically, it will have the same name as the quote, and the remaining fields will default to the values described in Default values for auto-created opportunities. Sales orders:
If Procurement is enabled, sales orders are automatically generated from opportunities when the Won Opportunity wizard is run. The field is read-only. Tickets:
An opportunity will appear in this field if the Won Opportunity wizard was run and Associate this ticket with this opportunity was selected, creating this ticket in the Post Sale queue. |
Project Lead |
The user responsible for the overall completion of the project. Use the Department, Workgroup or Queue filters to narrow the results, and/or use the column filters. The project lead will receive an email notification that the project has been created. This field defaults to the user who is creating the project, but can be modified or cleared. |
Contract |
All entities:
Account Manager |
The resource in your organization who will take overall responsibility for the account relationship. The field can be displayed on other entities but will be view-only. Users who are selected as account managers must have security permissions to view the organization type and Mine or higher object permissions. Account managers have the same security permissions as account team members. Organizations where you are the account manager or a team member can be found under My > CRM > Organizations. Refer to CRM security settings. |
Contract Type |
The contract type is selected when the contract is created, and cannot be edited. On all entities it appears, it is view-only. Contract types are used to support different billing needs. Options are Block Hour, Fixed Price, Per Ticket, Recurring Service, Retainer, and Time & Materials. For examples of when to use each contract type, refer to Business cases and contract types. |
Project Type |
The project type can be Proposal, Internal, Client, or Template. Refer to Project types. |

The Status section is hidden if the project type is Template.
Field | Description |
Status |
There are three system project statuses: New, Inactive, and Complete, but you can configure additional ones. Refer to Project statuses. To inactivate a project, select the Inactive status. Inactivating a project puts the project on hold. The project will no longer appear on active project lists, and tasks will no longer appear on the My Tasks & Tickets page. Resources will no longer be able to track time or enter notes on the tasks for this project. To re-activate an inactive project, select any status other than Inactive or Complete. Any time you update the project Status or Status Detail, a new project note detailing the change is saved in the Project Notes view. |
Status Date |
The Status Date and Time fields are updated each time you select a different status, even if the project status is set to Complete. NOTE The project's Complete Date is set the first time the project status is updated to Complete, and will not be changed. |
Status Detail |
You can provide information about status changes in the Status Detail field. Text entered here will appear on the Summary page. When you change the status to Complete here, the Status Detail field cannot be left empty. If you use the Complete Project wizard, Status was set to Complete is automatically appended to any existing text in the Status Detail field. Complete projects do not appear in searches for open projects. Refer to Completing a project. |

This section displays the following progress parameters:
Field | Description |
Estimated Hours | The total of estimated hours across all tasks. |
Actual Hours | The total of worked hours across all tasks. |
Remaining Hours | The total of (Estimated Hours - Actual Hours) |
Projected Variance From Estimated Hours | The difference between the estimated hours and the actual hours. Refer to Estimates and remaining hours. |
Complete Date | The date the Project status was set to Complete. If the project is not yet complete, Not Complete will be displayed. |
% Complete - Hours | A progress bar that shows the percentage of completed hours for the entire project as Number of Actual Hours / (Number of Estimated Hours + Projected Variance from Estimated Hours + Change Order Hours). |
% Complete - Tasks | A progress bar that shows the percentage of completed tasks as Number of Completed Tasks / Number of Tasks. The bar is blue if the number of tasks is < 100%, green if = 100%. |

The Announcements section contains a table that displays project notes that have the Announce check box selected. This allows you to bring important project notes to everyone's attention. Refer to Adding or editing project or project phase notes.

This section displays a count of items associated with the project. If the number of items is > 0, the value is a link. When you click the link, it opens the respective project page.
Field | Description |
Open Tasks | Click to open the Project Schedule, filtered to only display open tasks. |
Overdue Tasks | Click to open the Project Schedule, filtered to only display overdue tasks. |
Completed Tasks | Click to open the Project Schedule, filtered to only display completed tasks. |
Issues | Click to open the Project Schedule, filtered to only display issues. |
Charges | Click to open the Charges & Expenses page, filtered to only display charges. |
Expenses | Click to open the Charges & Expenses page, filtered to only display expenses |
Rates | Click to open the Rates page |
Related Tickets | Click to open the Related Tickets page. The value matches the number of ticket that will appear for this user in the Related Tickets page. This count is affected by the ticket view permissions of the logged-in user. Refer to Service Desk security settings. This field is hidden if the project is a template or a baseline project. |
Notes | Click to open the Notes page. |
Calendar | Click to open the Calendar page. |
Announcements | Click to open the Announcements section, if it is closed. |
Devices | Displays the number of devices associated with the project in plain text. |
Milestones Billed | Displays the number of billed milestones associated with the project in plain text. This field only appears if the project is associated with a Fixed Price contract. |
Milestones Remaining | Displays the number of remaining unbilled milestones associated with the project in plain text. This field only appears if the project is associated with a Fixed Price contract. |

This section displays counts of all of the tickets that are associated with the project that the logged-in user has permission to view, organized by ticket category.
- The section is hidden for project templates or if the logged-in user does not have the ability to view any of the project’s related tickets.
- If a user does not have permissions to view any of the tickets in a category, that category will not appear in the list.
The counts are displayed as links. If you click on a link, you are taken to the Related Tickets page, with the table filtered to only display tickets of that ticket category you have permission to view.